----------------- - Bugfixed ``shapes.geometrize_shapes`` to handle shapes comprising a single point.
----------------- - Added function ``trips.name_stop_patterns``, then used it to append column ``stop_pattern_name`` to the output of ``trips.compute_trip_stats`` and to append column ``num_stop_patterns`` to the output of ``routes.compute_route_stats``.
----------------- - Breaking change: removed the UTM library, deleted ``helpers.get_utm_crs``, and used the GeoPandas version of the function instead. - Changed ``routes.map_routes`` to accept a list of route short names, instead of or in addition to a list of route IDs.
----------------- - Switched from Poetry to UV for project management. - Breaking change: removed ``geometrize_stops`` function and moved its functionality into ``get_stops``. Did a similar thing for ``get_shapes``, ``get_trips``, and ``get_routes``.
----------------- - Changed grouped DataFrame ``feed._calendar_dates_g`` to indexed DataFrame ``feed._calendar_dates_i`` for consistency with ``feed._calendar_i`` and slight speedup in fucttion ``trips.is_active_trip``. - Updated dependencies and dropped Python 3.8 support. - Addressed some Pandas deprecation warnings.
----------------- - Added ``cleaners.extend_id`` function in response to `Pull Request 7 <https://github.com/mrcagney/gtfs_kit/pull/7>`_.