------------------ - Added a forgotten ``drop_duplicates('shape_id')`` line to the function ``miscellany.compute_screen_line_counts``, which speeds things up on large sets of screen lines.
------------------ - Improved ``miscellany.compute_screen_line_counts`` to now properly handle trips with non-simple shapes. - Added ``shapes.split_simple`` to help with the new screen line computation, but users might find it useful for other things too.
------------------ - Bugfixed ``trips.compute_trip_activity`` which cleverly and wrongly cast values to integers. - Improved ``trips.get_active_services`` to handle feeds with only one of ``calendar.txt`` and ``calendar_dates.txt``.
------------------ - Handled null values better thanks to `pull request 22 <https://github.com/mrcagney/gtfs_kit/pull/22>`_. - Updated ``stop_times.append_dist_to_stop_times`` to handle trips missing shapes by setting their distances to NaN. - Updated ``miscellany.restrict_to_trips`` to also include the parent stations of the trip stops. - Forgot to import ``miscellany.restrict_to_trips`` in ``feed`` in last release. Fixed that.
------------------ - Added ``miscellany.restrict_to_trips`` and used it as a helper function to simplify the other restriction functions. - Breaking change: Removed the validation module ``validators.py`` to avoid duplicating the work of what is now `the canonical feed validator <https://github.com/MobilityData/gtfs-validator>`_ (written in Java). - Breaking change: Changed ``feed.write`` to ``feed.to_file`` and stopped default rounding. - Breaking change: Changed ``miscellany.summarize`` to ``miscellany.list_fields`` and stopped default rounding.
----------------- - Breaking change: Replaced ``trips.is_active_trip`` with ``trips.get_active_services`` and removed the derived feed attributes ``trips_i``, ``calendar_i``, and ``calendar_dates_i`` as no longer necessary and overly complex.