More important changes Begin
ungrid Begin
From single tkinter.Text -widget /Editor --> tab.text_widget
--> like in dev/
--> tabs have own widgets
- bindings not triggered when ungridded --> no need to unbind
ungrid End
select cur scope
walk_scope() (rising tendency)
8 goto next(up) defline
9 goto prev(down) defline
walk_scope() (diving tendency)
( goto absolutely next(up) defline
) goto absolutely prev(down) defline
cmd/Alt-p save cursor position as bookmark
cmd/Control-bB walk bookmarks
cmd/Alt-g goto_def, if selection use it
bookmark Begin
toggle_bookmark cmd/alt-p
walk_bookmarks cmd/Control-bB
remove_bookmarks(all_tabs=True) no shortcut, default=all_tabs
print_bookmarks no shortcut
bookmark while searching, replacing
have to use real marks because of empty lines
currently marks persist in conf
bookmark End
while replace: space to exit
cmd/Alt-g --> goto_def, without selection
cmd/ctrl-l --> gotoline
long selection: if index not visible,
show wanted side of selection at first left/right -keypress
search: no strip searchword
search, show scope in entry when show_next prev
show_next/prev: entry handling to function
esc_override(): Enable toggle fullscreen with Esc.
rename handle_config --> handle_window_resize
esc toggles fullscreen, done with esc_override()
search, replace:
1: selection if short enough, update oldword if found
2: old_word
search_next now searches with old_word if no selection
pressing space when: search_next, search, replace
--> exit to cursor
also safe esc: if normal and selection --> selection clear
for search_next
search, replace:
Have to use marks to get overlapping searches work.
Can not replace/replace_all while "-overlap" in search_settings
if -start == 'insert' and search_word == selection_get:
start search from sel_start
done in do_search()
search ACA:
can search with -overlap, if want to replace, use -regexp:
boundary == A
want change contents B:
(also matches BBA etc, so must check first with search)
search, replace, search_next:
- Control-np in help, error, normal
if selection, use it, else oldword.
search_next in help and error works
tab on line, if at indent0, move line/cursor to same indent than nearest line
wordexpand now does expand from single letter at indent0
also removed re-import
Get atrributes of 'self' faster. For example, if want: self.attribute1,
one writes any single letter, like 'a' and hits Tab, and gets 'self.'
Then add 'a' --> prevword is now 'self.a'. Now continue Tabbing:
--> self.attribute1 is now likely to appear soon.
Alt - BackSpace
Cmd - BackSpace
delete previous word
yank also when help
yank whole line(even if wrapped)
search: now can yank without clicking
yank_line() and bookmark_animate(): not ideal usage of tag 'sel'
--> use tag 'animate'
automate exit editor, check syntax, reopen python and editor
check syntax of python-files in henxel in quit_me()
done with: import ast
created new placeholder module, importflags, for test-launch
import importflags
FLAGS = importflags.FLAGS
cls.flags = FLAGS
if cls.flags:
skip some subprocess calls (subprocess in subprocess does work)
quit_debug: can quit debug by pressing close button --> no close python console
(or by closing python console)
only single 's' expands to self. not all single letters
when debug, different popup, test, restart
test: do test-launch in quit_me
restart: everything in quit_me, and restart
Close-Button, quit_debug=True does not do test-launch
undo_override, redo_override
replace/all is now done with "tcl regsub" instead of "tk text replace"
--> Replacing with regexp, back references etc..
Example: If contents of tab is:
Example: 121 212
Example: 121 212
Example: 121 212
And there is "-regexp" in search_setting, And doing replace:
Then if search_word(old_word) would be:
"(\d+) (\d+)"
And if substitution(new_word) would be:
"\2 \1"
Result after replacing would then be:
Example: 212 121
Example: 212 121
Example: 212 121
Adding space to end of substitution:
search_word + () ==empty string, if search_word is "A", then using
with substitution, if want for example " BB "
\0 BB \1
where \0 is whole matched string and \1 is the empty string
"&" can be used inplace of "\0"
--> "A BB "
Adding to linestart: "^"
Adding to lineend: "$"
Concatenate lines: "\n+"
new state: 'goto_def'
in goto_def(), when not already searching
esc: return to cursor, after goto_def
double-click: stop to mouse
goto_def(): content is now disabled like when searching
self.state = 'goto_def'
tab_over_indent(), choose indentation of previous lines or next lines,
which is closer to insert
deltab not move left index anymore
def set_scrollbar_widths(self, width, elementborderwidth)
removed incr decr scrollbar width
removed binds also
More important changes End
Less important changes Begin
removed unused move_line and updown_override
macos when trying to open: /home
PermissionError: [Errno 1] Operation not permitted: '/usr/bin/../../home'
check if other than py-files are tabified
done they now are not tabified
update help?
fixed capslock macos linux windows
async can be before def
added get_scope_path
save() now generates esc in while-loop and returns False if save fails
save is too big: splitted to save_forced/save
renamed no_copy_ln --> do_nothing_without_bell
added state check in save()
removed tab_override()
can_expand_word called before indent and unindent
Reason is that before commit 5300449a75c4826
when completing with Tab word1_word2 at word1:
first, pressing Shift down to enter underscore '_'
then fast pressing Tab after that.
Now, Shift might still be pressed down
--> get: word1_ and unindent line but no completion
Want: indent, unindent one line (no selection) only when:
cursor_index <= idx_linestart
Tab-completion also with Shift-Tab,
which is intended to help tab-completing with slow/lazy fingers
Sticky top right corner, to get some space for console on left
cmd-shift-left select indentation same as alt-left
cmd-shift-left/right, selects from, space only lines also
replace with replace(idx1 idx2 new_word)
now undo works better
capslock more visual
tab completion first suggests from function scope
strip empty lines, done in tabify()
idx_linestart() and bookmark_animate()
were broken due self.contents.bbox('insert') --> None if cursor is offscreen
bbox() check done
idx_linestart() done
bookmark_animate(): done with this check at toggle_bookmark()
not self.contents.bbox('insert')
idx_linestart() now returns pos, line_starts_from_curline
tab is_pyfile()
searching, if scrolled manually to see next match and then ctrl-n,
-->show_next is not ideal
Control-np removed from NextLine PrevLine virtual events because of this
at end of init
with io.BytesIO( tmp.encode('utf-8') ) as fo:
tokens = tokenize.tokenize( fo.readline )
g = iter( tmp.splitlines(keepends=True) )
tokens = tokenize.generate_tokens( g.__next__ )
removed import io
removed do_syntax
avoid_viewsync_mess --> update_lineinfo
viewsync --> update_line
self.tabs[self.tabindex] --> tab, curtab, newtab, oldtab
new dev/stash_start folder, basicly garbage
restart_editor.scpt --> back to previous
restart scripts are now in /src/henxel
updated for that
removed requirements.txt because github was confused by it and it was unneeded
self.build_launch_test() --> byte-string: launch-test
in quit_me:
tmp = self.build_launch_test()
d = dict(capture_output=True)
p =['python','-'], input=tmp, **d)
pyproject.toml + setup.cfg --> pyproject.toml
token_can_update --> line_can_update
save_forced: check alive
quit_me: check alive
if not: fast quit with cleanup()
self.cleanup() --> called when quitting etc.
__init__ is now completely in try-block:
all init code
except Exception as init_err:
try: self.cleanup()
except Exception as err:
Some object, that cleanup tried to delete,
did not yet had been created.
raise init_err
With this setup, no matter how editor was launched, if init fails,
there will not be any zombie editor window (root) leftovers.
when editor launch fails:
except Exception as init_err:
if not doing launch_test:
give info about recovering: like help(henxel.stash_pop) etc
only debug mode is currently used in testlaunch to speed up testing
from instance attributes --> class attributes like cls.root
set in __new__()
they are never deleted
give focus to terminal, with activate_terminal, after error in:
- syntax
- launch-test
if restart fails with error, terminal naturally has focus
ensure_idx_visibility: does not set insert-mark anymore
goto_def: no longer set insert-mark
added FreeMono to goodfonts
apply_conf no insert contents
moved to end of init
planning to use magic colors instead in line highlight
utilize check_line() as, filtering range for syntax-highlighting,
which was previously done in update_tokens()
removed self.token_err
--> tokens of whole content is updated not so often
Less important changes End