
Latest version: v0.3.3

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More important changes Begin

ungrid Begin

From single tkinter.Text -widget /Editor --> tab.text_widget
--> like in dev/ungridtest.py
--> tabs have own widgets

- bindings not triggered when ungridded --> no need to unbind


ungrid End


select cur scope

walk_scope() (rising tendency)
8 goto next(up) defline
9 goto prev(down) defline

walk_scope() (diving tendency)
( goto absolutely next(up) defline
) goto absolutely prev(down) defline

cmd/Alt-p save cursor position as bookmark
cmd/Control-bB walk bookmarks
cmd/Alt-g goto_def, if selection use it

bookmark Begin

toggle_bookmark cmd/alt-p
walk_bookmarks cmd/Control-bB

remove_bookmarks(all_tabs=True) no shortcut, default=all_tabs
print_bookmarks no shortcut

bookmark while searching, replacing

have to use real marks because of empty lines
currently marks persist in conf

bookmark End

while replace: space to exit

cmd/Alt-g --> goto_def, without selection
cmd/ctrl-l --> gotoline

long selection: if index not visible,
show wanted side of selection at first left/right -keypress

search: no strip searchword
search, show scope in entry when show_next prev
show_next/prev: entry handling to function

esc_override(): Enable toggle fullscreen with Esc.
rename handle_config --> handle_window_resize

esc toggles fullscreen, done with esc_override()

search, replace:
1: selection if short enough, update oldword if found
2: old_word

search_next now searches with old_word if no selection

pressing space when: search_next, search, replace
--> exit to cursor

also safe esc: if normal and selection --> selection clear
for search_next

search, replace:

Have to use marks to get overlapping searches work.

Can not replace/replace_all while "-overlap" in search_settings

if -start == 'insert' and search_word == selection_get:
start search from sel_start
done in do_search()

search ACA:

can search with -overlap, if want to replace, use -regexp:
boundary == A
want change contents B:

(also matches BBA etc, so must check first with search)

search, replace, search_next:
- Control-np in help, error, normal


if selection, use it, else oldword.

search_next in help and error works

tab on line, if at indent0, move line/cursor to same indent than nearest line

wordexpand now does expand from single letter at indent0
also removed re-import
Get atrributes of 'self' faster. For example, if want: self.attribute1,
one writes any single letter, like 'a' and hits Tab, and gets 'self.'
Then add 'a' --> prevword is now 'self.a'. Now continue Tabbing:
--> self.attribute1 is now likely to appear soon.

Alt - BackSpace
Cmd - BackSpace
delete previous word

yank also when help
yank whole line(even if wrapped)
search: now can yank without clicking
yank_line() and bookmark_animate(): not ideal usage of tag 'sel'
--> use tag 'animate'

automate exit editor, check syntax, reopen python and editor
check syntax of python-files in henxel in quit_me()
done with: import ast

created new placeholder module, importflags, for test-launch

import importflags
FLAGS = importflags.FLAGS

cls.flags = FLAGS

if cls.flags:
skip some subprocess calls (subprocess in subprocess does work)

quit_debug: can quit debug by pressing close button --> no close python console
(or by closing python console)

only single 's' expands to self. not all single letters

when debug, different popup, test, restart
test: do test-launch in quit_me
restart: everything in quit_me, and restart
Close-Button, quit_debug=True does not do test-launch


undo_override, redo_override


replace/all is now done with "tcl regsub" instead of "tk text replace"
--> Replacing with regexp, back references etc..

Example: If contents of tab is:
Example: 121 212

Example: 121 212

Example: 121 212

And there is "-regexp" in search_setting, And doing replace:

Then if search_word(old_word) would be:
"(\d+) (\d+)"
And if substitution(new_word) would be:
"\2 \1"

Result after replacing would then be:
Example: 212 121

Example: 212 121

Example: 212 121

Adding space to end of substitution:
search_word + () ==empty string, if search_word is "A", then using
with substitution, if want for example " BB "
\0 BB \1

where \0 is whole matched string and \1 is the empty string
"&" can be used inplace of "\0"

--> "A BB "

Adding to linestart: "^"
Adding to lineend: "$"
Concatenate lines: "\n+"

new state: 'goto_def'
in goto_def(), when not already searching

esc: return to cursor, after goto_def
double-click: stop to mouse
goto_def(): content is now disabled like when searching
self.state = 'goto_def'

tab_over_indent(), choose indentation of previous lines or next lines,
which is closer to insert

deltab not move left index anymore

def set_scrollbar_widths(self, width, elementborderwidth)
removed incr decr scrollbar width
removed binds also

More important changes End

Less important changes Begin

removed unused move_line and updown_override

macos when trying to open: /home

PermissionError: [Errno 1] Operation not permitted: '/usr/bin/../../home'


check if other than py-files are tabified
done they now are not tabified
update help?

fixed capslock macos linux windows

async can be before def

added get_scope_path

save() now generates esc in while-loop and returns False if save fails
save is too big: splitted to save_forced/save

renamed no_copy_ln --> do_nothing_without_bell

added state check in save()

removed tab_override()
can_expand_word called before indent and unindent

Reason is that before commit 5300449a75c4826
when completing with Tab word1_word2 at word1:
first, pressing Shift down to enter underscore '_'
then fast pressing Tab after that.

Now, Shift might still be pressed down
--> get: word1_ and unindent line but no completion

Want: indent, unindent one line (no selection) only when:
cursor_index <= idx_linestart

Tab-completion also with Shift-Tab,
which is intended to help tab-completing with slow/lazy fingers

Sticky top right corner, to get some space for console on left

cmd-shift-left select indentation same as alt-left
cmd-shift-left/right, selects from, space only lines also

replace with replace(idx1 idx2 new_word)
now undo works better

capslock more visual

tab completion first suggests from function scope

strip empty lines, done in tabify()

idx_linestart() and bookmark_animate()
were broken due self.contents.bbox('insert') --> None if cursor is offscreen
bbox() check done
idx_linestart() done
bookmark_animate(): done with this check at toggle_bookmark()
not self.contents.bbox('insert')

idx_linestart() now returns pos, line_starts_from_curline

tab is_pyfile()

searching, if scrolled manually to see next match and then ctrl-n,
-->show_next is not ideal

Control-np removed from NextLine PrevLine virtual events because of this
at end of init

with io.BytesIO( tmp.encode('utf-8') ) as fo:
tokens = tokenize.tokenize( fo.readline )
g = iter( tmp.splitlines(keepends=True) )
tokens = tokenize.generate_tokens( g.__next__ )
removed import io
removed do_syntax
avoid_viewsync_mess --> update_lineinfo
viewsync --> update_line

self.tabs[self.tabindex] --> tab, curtab, newtab, oldtab

new dev/stash_start folder, basicly garbage

restart_editor.scpt --> back to previous
restart scripts are now in /src/henxel
updated MANIFEST.in for that

removed requirements.txt because github was confused by it and it was unneeded

self.build_launch_test() --> byte-string: launch-test

in quit_me:
tmp = self.build_launch_test()
d = dict(capture_output=True)
p = subprocess.run(['python','-'], input=tmp, **d)

pyproject.toml + setup.cfg --> pyproject.toml

token_can_update --> line_can_update

save_forced: check alive
quit_me: check alive
if not: fast quit with cleanup()

self.cleanup() --> called when quitting etc.

__init__ is now completely in try-block:
all init code
except Exception as init_err:
try: self.cleanup()
except Exception as err:
Some object, that cleanup tried to delete,
did not yet had been created.
raise init_err

With this setup, no matter how editor was launched, if init fails,
there will not be any zombie editor window (root) leftovers.

when editor launch fails:
except Exception as init_err:
if not doing launch_test:
give info about recovering: like help(henxel.stash_pop) etc

only debug mode is currently used in testlaunch to speed up testing

from instance attributes --> class attributes like cls.root
set in __new__()

they are never deleted

give focus to terminal, with activate_terminal, after error in:
- syntax
- launch-test

if restart fails with error, terminal naturally has focus

ensure_idx_visibility: does not set insert-mark anymore
goto_def: no longer set insert-mark

added FreeMono to goodfonts

apply_conf no insert contents
moved to end of init

planning to use magic colors instead in line highlight

utilize check_line() as, filtering range for syntax-highlighting,
which was previously done in update_tokens()

removed self.token_err
--> tokens of whole content is updated not so often

Less important changes End


- Fixed fontchooser, for example the animation should work again

- If uncomment fails, cursor should now keep original position

- 'focus'-tag is now underlined

- Some fixing in comment and uncomment like comment or uncomment curline
without selection

- Search again backwards --> ctrl-shift-backspace,
still back to previous with arrow left but it has some
yet to be fixed issues likely to do something with check_sel

- Ctrl-Tab --> insert Tab

- Removed move _updownleftright() as unused and updated help

- When search, multilines (> 2 lines) are not autofilled as suggested search word

- Fix for: 'SyntaxWarning: invalid escape sequence' for one string in init.
due to 'new' string escaping rules in python 3.12

- Caps-Lock state(if on) is now showed in btn_git
It needed among other things bind to Motion to work

- There was issue: When search: after giving search word, then quickly pressing return and esc
--> state of editor locked to search.
This was fixed with checking if state is waiting in stop_search
This kind of issues should be also checked on other escapable callbacks
in the future.

- move_by_words and select_by_words now handle line ends better.

- Renamed copying and pasteing functions more clearly

- Copying now checks if user wants to copy a block and tries to keep
its shape when doing paste. This is in 'alpha' -condition


- Keywords for syntax highlighting are now from: import keyword.

- 'sel'-tag has now second highest priority only below focus.

- Control-backspace to search again now works again.

- Word-expander works now as Tab-completion, its expands over dot attributes,
like: self.at TAB --> self.attrib1, if self.attrib1 is already somewhere in contents.
It is quite usable.

- Removed binding ctrl_L-super_L-return to run file in return_override().

- Ctrl-q -> Ctrl-Q for del_tab: prevent closing tab without saving by accident.

- Cmd-ae -> goto_linestart/end, when in macOS, this is quite usable.

- Also in macOS: Cmd-(Shift)-Up/Down -> move/select 10 lines up/down. Also usable.
In Linux and Windows this is: Control-(Shift)-Up/Down and bind is to move_many_lines() instead
of mac_cmd_overrides(). Not tested in Windows, but hopes are that the states are right.

- In return_override, if line is empty, rstrip to cursor to fix indent sailing if
in middle of space.

- There were lot of issues with functions like select_by_words(), move_by_words() etc.
which changed selection. First fix was like:

But it was flashy at lineends (because needed to adjust selection later),
so ended up using <<PrevWord>> instead with:
self.contents.mark_set(self.anchor, idx).

It (that is: handling of selection changes) is now done right by setting
selection-start-mark or -anchor with:
self.contents.mark_set('tk::anchor1', '38.6').

The name of anchor changes if editor is launched multiple times in one Python-session,
so the current name is retrieved in init but there is still another problem:
this anchor does not exist if certain event has not occured before.

To get this working, the name of anchor is needed, it is done just before quite
similar fix for Windows, and it is ugly.

- When doing search and replace one can now copy text and select and adjust selection
with many functions like yank line, goto lineend etc.

- When doing search and replace:
space --> exit to focus
esc --> exit to start
double-click --> exit to cursor

- When doing replace: One can continue replacing even if focus is not in contents.
Replacement-string can now be changed in the middle of replacing.

- Status-messages of gotoline, search and replace are now in entry. This was done
for increase fullscreen usability. Git branch-name remains in btn_git and
tab-position remains in title.

- Editor is now aware if it is in fullscreen-mode. It is not used on anything.

- Editor now handles long strings better in entry, like filenames or searches.

- Small but important change in wait_for() to change state so that certain bindings
do not trigger while waiting.

- Added two tkinter-books to dev/books.

- Added screenshots to README, and removed 'more on virtual environments' -section
as potentially dangerous.

- Ctrl-q now quits with save when not in macOS, same way than cmd-q does in macOS.

- Updated helpfile

- Updated links to point to Tcl 9.0


- Fixed win_install_mkvenv
- Small fixes
- Ctrl-ju --> scroll downup without moving cursor, also at the end of the file.
- Walktabs is again alt-wq if not in macOS.


- Added win_install_mkvenv.py to /util which can be run in Windows with
py win_install_mkvenv.py

Running it creates:

in sys.prefix which hopefully is in the PATH.

Then one can do in Windows: mkvenv name_of_env.

That will install possible requirements also.
And mkvenv creates act.bat to root of venv that will activate venv.
And mkvenv creates launch_ed.bat to root of venv that will activate venv
and launch IDLE-shell and launch Henxel-editor if it is installed.
I no longer recommend installing pyreadline3 because it seems to not work
properly in Win10. Instead, using IDLE-shell has tab-completion and multiline
editing etc. Only that one can not change direction of prompt movement after
command execution. It now moves down and will eventually stay at the
bottom line. It would be preferable if prompt would move up instead,
and stay in the first line. One cannot clear screen in Windows so this is quite unfortunate.

- Small looks fixes.

- Alt -leftright now walks tabs in all OS-types. And Alt-wq closes editor
with save. This was done to increase cross-platform consistency in
shortcut-keys. It is also more easy to remember, maybe not so ideal though.

- Fixed move_by_words, select_by_words and yank_line for win10.


- Moved tcl-script, that fixes ctrl-rightleft behaviour for Windows, to better place.
So active tab should be safe now also in Windows.
- Tried 'lsappinfo metainfo' as a way to get terminal app name in macOS but it did not
work much faster so left as it was before: 'lsappinfo front' to get ASN and then
'lsappinfo info -only name'. Giving focus back to python terminal-window is not very
simple task in macOS. Currently tested with Terminal and iTerm2. It works quite ok now.
- OS-type is now determined as does IDLE-editor, copied it from there:

sys.platform == 'darwin'
sys.platform[:3] == 'win':

This usage of module sys is nice addition, it was used very little before. Also now
there is no need to blindly try to find macOS terminal.
- Fix for: search_next would not work if holding ctrl down and repeatedly pressing backspace.
- Scrollbar is now little thinner if using macOS.
- Yank_line copies now whole line instead of just visible part of line.
- Added functions idx_linestart and -end to get effective indexes of the line.
- Added functions move_by_words and select_by_words which handles ctrl-leftright and
ctrl-shift-leftright behaviour in Linux and Windows and Alt-leftright and
Alt-shift-leftright behaviour in macOS. This was done to fix default handling of related
events near lineends.

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