
Latest version: v6.112.1

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This patch removes a now-incorrect internal assertion about numpy's typing after recent numpy changes (currently only in numpy's nightly release).



This release adds support for variable-width bytes in our IR layer (:issue:`3921`), which should mean improved performance anywhere you use :func:`~hypothesis.strategies.binary`. If you maintain an alternative backend as part of our (for now explicitly unstable) :ref:`alternative-backends`, this release changes the ``draw_*`` interface and may be a breaking change for you.



This patch contains some internal code cleanup. There is no user-visible change.



This patch improves shrinking in cases involving 'slips' from one strategy to another. Highly composite strategies are the most likely to benefit from this change.

This patch also reduces the range of :class:`python:datetime.datetime` generated by :func:`~hypothesis.extra.django.from_model` in order to avoid https://code.djangoproject.com/ticket/35683.



:ref:`alternative-backends` can now implement ``.observe_test_case()``
and ``observe_information_message()`` methods, to record backend-specific
metadata and messages in our :doc:`observability output <observability>`
(:issue:`3845` and `hypothesis-crosshair22



Support ``__default__`` field of :obj:`~python:typing.TypeVar`
and support the same from :pypi:`typing_extensions`
in :func:`~hypothesis.strategies.from_type`.

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