
Latest version: v2.0.0

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- Added `pyproject.toml` to aid with `pip` installation.

- Engineering
-- Formatting with Black
-- Linting with Pylint
-- Dependency management and packaging with Rye

- Added tests to cover more `mepo` commands

- Add new command `update-state` to permanently convert mepo1 style state to mepo2


- Converted `mepo` to a Python project via the following renaming
-- Added `src/mepo/`
-- Renamed `mepo.d` -> `src/mepo`
-- Renamed `mepo.d/utest` -> `tests`
-- Renamed `doc` --> `docs`
-- A `mepo` config file is now called a `mepo` registry
-- More code reorganization

- Helper script `mepo`, used for development, moved to the `bin` directory.
- Added README for `docs/` script

- State: pickle format (mepo1 style) to json format (mepo2 style)
-- If mepo1 style state is detected, print warning and suggest running `mepo update-state`



- Added new `--partial` option to `mepo clone` with two settings: `off`, `blobless`, and `treeless`. If you set, `--partial=blobless` then
the clone will not download blobs by using `--filter=blob:none`. If you set `--partial=treeless` then the clone will not download
trees by using `--filter=tree:0`. The `blobless` option is useful for large repos that have a lot of binary files that you don't
need. The `treeless` option is even more aggressive and *SHOULD NOT* be used unless you know what you are doing. The
`--partial=off` option allows a user to override the default behavior of `--partial` in `.mepoconfig` and turn it off for a
run of `mepo clone`.
- Add a new section for `.mepoconfig` to allow users to set `--partial` as a default for `mepo clone`.



- Fixes to allow mepo to work on older mepo clones that don't have ignore_submodules in their state



- Added new `ignore_submodules` field in `components.yaml` to allow ignoring submodules in a repo. Currently used for `status` and
`diff` commands.



- Command `status` has now a `--hashes` option that list current HEAD hash for each component.



- When running `compare` in default mode, size columns based on the longest branch name of a repo that has changed. This prevents
odd column widths based on long branch names in repos that haven't changed

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