- Added `pyproject.toml` to aid with `pip` installation.
- Engineering
-- Formatting with Black
-- Linting with Pylint
-- Dependency management and packaging with Rye
- Added tests to cover more `mepo` commands
- Add new command `update-state` to permanently convert mepo1 style state to mepo2
- Converted `mepo` to a Python project via the following renaming
-- Added `src/mepo/`
-- Renamed `mepo.d` -> `src/mepo`
-- Renamed `mepo.d/utest` -> `tests`
-- Renamed `doc` --> `docs`
-- A `mepo` config file is now called a `mepo` registry
-- More code reorganization
- Helper script `mepo`, used for development, moved to the `bin` directory.
- Added README for `docs/` script
- State: pickle format (mepo1 style) to json format (mepo2 style)
-- If mepo1 style state is detected, print warning and suggest running `mepo update-state`