**New Features**
* In mainwindow_ui.py:
* Added offset input in Data -> Compare.
* In gui.py:
* In class MyApplication:
* add_param(): Add offset functionality.
* compare_add_button(): Add offset functionality.
* hide_all(): It hides the plot and the comparation option.
* hide_metadata_plots(): It hides the technical title and the technical list.
* \_\_init\_\_(): We added the action when users clicks the check box to select all the parameters.
* selection_all_parameters(): Action when clicking the check box of the parameter widget.
* In emsodev_ui.py: We added a check box to select all the parameters.
* In emso.py:
* In class EMSO:
* plt_egim_slots_current_consumptions(): It creates a plot with the current consumption of all the slots and the input voltage of the EGIM.
* stadistics_slots_current_consumptions(): It calculates the mean, max and min current consumption of each slot. Return a string with the information.
* plt_egim_energy(): Function deleted. It was not plotting the energy of the EGIM, but the current consumption.
* plt_egim_current(): It returns a plot of the accumulated-since-last-reset current consumption of the EGIM.
* how_to_download_data(): Function deleted. It was not useful.
* stadistics_slots_pressure(): It calculates the mean, max and min pressure of each slot. Return a string with the information.
* In obsea.py:
* In class OBSEA:
* estimation_time_to_open(): Function deleted. It was not useful.
* how_to_download_data(): Function deleted. It was not useful.
* In observatory.py:
* In class Observatory:
* plt_depth(): It plots the depth of the sensor over time.
* stadistics_ctd(): It returns a message with the mean, max, min and stand. desv of the measurements of the CTD (temperature, conductivity, pressure, salinity and sound velocity.)
* New function plt_comparation(): It creates a graph with all the time series of the list parameters.
* plt_ncus(): It plots the North – South current speed over time.
* In emodnet.py:
* In class EMODnet:
* how_to_download_data(): Function deleted. It was not useful.
**Performance Enhancements**
* In gui.py:
* Fixed bug importing libraries.
* In class EMSOdevApp:
* download_data(): The way to add the start date to download data with the API changed, so we also changed the function. The name of the self.egim column “egim_energy” changes to “egim_current” because it has current consumption values.
* \_\_init\_\_(): We added the icon of the program.
* search_observatories(): Auto select the observatory if there is just one.
* search_instruments(): Auto select the instrument if there is just one.
* search_parameters(): Auto select the parameter if there is just one.
* New class: DownloadThread(): It allows multithreading for the downloading part. Related to this class, we created other functions to communicate variables between threads (def message_for_statusbar() and def refresh_emsodevapi()).
* In class MyApplication:
* hide_metadata_plots(): Added the technical plots to the function.
* make_plots(): Added the technical plots.
* show_metadata_plots(): Sorted names in the EGIM parameters.
* hide_all(): Added hide_metadata_plots() and remove_fig().
* In emsodev_ui.py: We changed some visual aspects.
* In emso.py:
* In class EMSOdevAPI:
* Fixed bug in the appending data frames.
* plt_egim_all(): Added the plot of the EGIM current consumption.
* read_data(): Bug fixed in the API command with an end date. We added the code to download data from the ADCP.
* In tui():
* Fixed bug when a user wants to download all the parameters of an instrument.
* In class EMSO:
* open(): Changed the way to open pickle files.
* \_\_init\_\_(): Added the option to open the files.
* read_data(): Bug fixed in the API command with an end date.
* In mainwindow_ui.py:
* Adding technical plots.
* In observatory.py:
* We include the (gsw)[https://pypi.python.org/pypi/gsw/] library.
* In function qc(): Bug fixed. We changed the name of the variable miutes to minutes.
* In class Observatory:
* plt_ts(): We restructured all the function. Now, the plot is nicer.