
Latest version: v1.1.1

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A new version of oceanobs with incompatible API changes. We deleted observatory.py to simplifier the code. The philosophy of the package is the previous one, but we mixed the access modules and the analysis modules into a new module called inWater.py.


**New Features**

* In mainwindow_ui.py:
* Added offset input in Data -> Compare.
* In gui.py:
* In class MyApplication:
* add_param(): Add offset functionality.
* compare_add_button(): Add offset functionality.
* hide_all(): It hides the plot and the comparation option.
* hide_metadata_plots(): It hides the technical title and the technical list.
* \_\_init\_\_(): We added the action when users clicks the check box to select all the parameters.
* selection_all_parameters(): Action when clicking the check box of the parameter widget.
* In emsodev_ui.py: We added a check box to select all the parameters.
* In emso.py:
* In class EMSO:
* plt_egim_slots_current_consumptions(): It creates a plot with the current consumption of all the slots and the input voltage of the EGIM.
* stadistics_slots_current_consumptions(): It calculates the mean, max and min current consumption of each slot. Return a string with the information.
* plt_egim_energy(): Function deleted. It was not plotting the energy of the EGIM, but the current consumption.
* plt_egim_current(): It returns a plot of the accumulated-since-last-reset current consumption of the EGIM.
* how_to_download_data(): Function deleted. It was not useful.
* stadistics_slots_pressure(): It calculates the mean, max and min pressure of each slot. Return a string with the information.
* In obsea.py:
* In class OBSEA:
* estimation_time_to_open(): Function deleted. It was not useful.
* how_to_download_data(): Function deleted. It was not useful.
* In observatory.py:
* In class Observatory:
* plt_depth(): It plots the depth of the sensor over time.
* stadistics_ctd(): It returns a message with the mean, max, min and stand. desv of the measurements of the CTD (temperature, conductivity, pressure, salinity and sound velocity.)
* New function plt_comparation(): It creates a graph with all the time series of the list parameters.
* plt_ncus(): It plots the North – South current speed over time.
* In emodnet.py:
* In class EMODnet:
* how_to_download_data(): Function deleted. It was not useful.

**Performance Enhancements**

* In gui.py:
* Fixed bug importing libraries.
* In class EMSOdevApp:
* download_data(): The way to add the start date to download data with the API changed, so we also changed the function. The name of the self.egim column “egim_energy” changes to “egim_current” because it has current consumption values.
* \_\_init\_\_(): We added the icon of the program.
* search_observatories(): Auto select the observatory if there is just one.
* search_instruments(): Auto select the instrument if there is just one.
* search_parameters(): Auto select the parameter if there is just one.
* New class: DownloadThread(): It allows multithreading for the downloading part. Related to this class, we created other functions to communicate variables between threads (def message_for_statusbar() and def refresh_emsodevapi()).
* In class MyApplication:
* hide_metadata_plots(): Added the technical plots to the function.
* make_plots(): Added the technical plots.
* show_metadata_plots(): Sorted names in the EGIM parameters.
* hide_all(): Added hide_metadata_plots() and remove_fig().
* In emsodev_ui.py: We changed some visual aspects.
* In emso.py:
* In class EMSOdevAPI:
* Fixed bug in the appending data frames.
* plt_egim_all(): Added the plot of the EGIM current consumption.
* read_data(): Bug fixed in the API command with an end date. We added the code to download data from the ADCP.
* In tui():
* Fixed bug when a user wants to download all the parameters of an instrument.
* In class EMSO:
* open(): Changed the way to open pickle files.
* \_\_init\_\_(): Added the option to open the files.
* read_data(): Bug fixed in the API command with an end date.
* In mainwindow_ui.py:
* Adding technical plots.
* In observatory.py:
* We include the (gsw)[https://pypi.python.org/pypi/gsw/] library.
* In function qc(): Bug fixed. We changed the name of the variable miutes to minutes.
* In class Observatory:
* plt_ts(): We restructured all the function. Now, the plot is nicer.


**New Features**

* In mainwindow_ui.py:
* Added “Filter-> Butterworth” in “Data” of the menu bar.
* Added “Clean bad data” in “Data” of the menu bar.
* Added “Delete parameters” in “Data” of the menu bar.
* Added Butterworth filter options.
* Added “Delete parameter” options.
* Added “EMSO Downloader” option.
* In gui.py:
* In class MyApplication:
* \_\_init\_\_(): Added new components and actions.
* clean_bad_data(): It cleans data from self.data with bad QC flags.
* butterworth_init(): Initialization of the Butterworth filter option.
* butterworth_apply(): Apply Butterworth filter to ob.data.
* delete_parameters(): Action when user click the “Delete parameters” option of the menu bar.
* delete_apply(): Action when users click the button of the “Delete parameter” options.
* open(): Now it can open pickle files.
* In observatory.py:
* In class Observatory:
* delete_param(): Delete a parameter of self.data.
* plt_qc_cmap(): Plot of the QC flags, using a color map.
* use_only(): Delete all parameters of self.data except those selected by the user.
* New class PlotMat: Helps to make a map with data based on Basemap library.
* \_\_init\_\_(): Constructor of the class.
* new_map_world(): Create a world map.
* new_map_iberic(): Create a map of the Iberian peninsula.
* new_map_pyrenees(): Create a map of the Pyrenees.
* new_map_pyrenees_arcgisapi(): Create a map of the Pyrenees using the ArcGIS API.
* new_map_mediterranean(): Create a map of the Mediterranean sea.
* new_map_europe(): Create a map of Europe.
* add_point(): Adding points to the map.
* New function qc(): It is the main function to create the QC flags.
* In emso.py:
* In class EMSO:
* plt_egim_voltage(): Make a figure with the consumed voltage of the EGIM.
* info_egim(): Return information about the egim data.
* New qc.py: Contains functions to create the QC flags.
* qc(): The main function to create the QC flags.

**Performance Enhancements**

* In observatory.py:
* In class Observatory:
* resample_data(): Fixed bug with the salinity data.
* plt_qc(): First useful version.
* clear_bad_data(): Added np.nan to bad values.
* In emodnet.py:
* In class EMODnet:
* open(): It adds latitude and longitude info to the variable self.metatada. Added more parameters to measure.
* In gui.py:
* In class EMSOdevApp:
* download_data(): Fixed bug downloading data.
* In emso.py:
* In class EMSOdevAPI:
* read_data(): It downloads data from the EGIM.
* save_as_pickle (): It saves the self.data, self.metadata and self.egim into a pickle file.
* In class EMSO:
* \_\_init\_\_: Added variable self.egim.
* In obsea.py:
* In class OBSEA:
* open(): Changing the way to create the QC flags.


**Performance Enhancements**

* In obsea.py:
* class OBSEA:
* open(): Deleted some print() functions.
* In emso.py: We changed the wrong name of import libraries to the right ones.


**New Features**

* In observatory.py:
* In class Observatory:
* info_qc_flags(): It returns information about what means the QC flags.
* info_metadata(): It returns all the metadata information in a string.
* info_parameters(): It returns information about the acronyms used in the variable self.data.
* plt_multiparam_one_plot(): It plot one figure with multiple variables.
* plt_multiparam_multiplot(): It plots multiple parameters in multiple figures.
* translator(): It returns the meaning of an acronym.
* clear_bad_data(): It clears all the data with QC flags equal to 2, 3, 4, 6 and 9.
* butterworth_filter(): It applies a Butterworth filter to the data.
* In gui.py:
* In class MyApplication:
* print_text(): It writes text in the text area.
* view_text(): It shows the text area.
* view_metadata_plots(): It shows the metadata and plots area.
* hide_metadata_plots(): It hides the metadata and plots area.
* show_menus(): It shows some menu options.
* hide_menus(): It hides some menu options.
* print_opening_info(): It writes in the text area some basic information about the data that the user is watching.
* New class – EMSOdevApp: GUI to download data using the EMSOdev DMP API.
* \_\_init\_\_(): Constructor of the class.
* hide_connection(): It hides some components of the GUI.
* search_observatories(): It searches the EMSO observatories and shows them in a list.
* search_instruments(): It searches the instruments of the EMSO observatories and shows them in a list.
* search_parameters(): It searches the parameters that are measured with the instruments of the EMSO observatories and show them in a list.
* input_dates(): It asks the user to input the start date and the end date of the data that he/she want to download.
* show_date(): It shows a calendar in the GUI.
* download_data(): It processes to download data with the EMSOdev API.
* save_data(): It saves the downloaded data into a pickle file (.pkl).
* In obsea.py:
* class OBSEA:
* estimation_time_to_open(): It returns a string with information about of how many time takes to open the data.
* New library - emsodev_ui.py: Class generated with pyuic4 with the QT graphical components of the EMSOdev App. The EMSOdev App helps to download EMSO data.
* New library - emso.py:
* class EMSOdevAPI: Class to manage the EMSOdev DMP API.
* \_\_init\_\_(): Constructor of the class
* read_observatories(): It looks for observatories and save them into a list in self.observatories.
* read_instruments(): It looks for instruments of an observatory and saves the names into self.observatories.
* read_parameters(): It looks for the parameters that the instrument can measure.
* read_data(): It downloads data from the parameter, instrument, and observatory selected.
* save_as_pickle(): Save the EGIM data and metadata with the oceanobs standard [REF TO OCEANOBS STANDARD]. The name of the files are metadata_[date].pkl for the metadata and data_[date].pkl for the data.
* class EMSO: Class to open and manage EMSO data.
* \_\_init\_\_(): The constructor of the class.
* open(): It opens pickle files (.pkl) with EMSO data.
* how_to_download_data(): It returns information about how to download EMSO data.

**Performance Enhancements**

* In observatory.py:
* In class Observatory:
* plt_qc(): Changed the graph visualization to understand it easily.
* plt_all(): Added call to plt_qc() if there are less than 25 values.
* info_data(): It shows the parameters placed in the self.data.
* In mainwindow_ui.py:
* Added QC plots.
* Added View button in the menu bar.
* Added Text area.
* Deleted “assembly center” in the metadata information.
* Deleted “save” in the Report Menu.
* In gui.py:
* In class MyApplication:
* \_\_init\_\_(): Added some menu actions.
* open(): It writes information in the text area.
* style_xkcd(): It writes information in the text area and the status bar.
* style_bmh(): It writes information in the text area and the status bar.
* style_classic(): It writes information in the text area and the status bar.
* style_dark_background(): It writes information in the text area and the status bar.
* style_fivethirtyeight(): It writes information in the text area and the status bar.
* style_ggplot(): It writes information in the text area and the status bar.
* style_grayscale(): It writes information in the text area and the status bar.
* style_seaborn_bright(): It writes information in the text area and the status bar.
* style_seaborn_colorblind(): It writes information in the text area and the status bar.
* style_seaborn_dark(): It writes information in the text area and the status bar.
* style_seaborn_dark_palette(): It writes information in the text area and the status bar.
* style_seaborn_darkgrid(): It writes information in the text area and the status bar.
* style_seaborn_deep(): It writes information in the text area and the status bar.
* style_seaborn_muted(): It writes information in the text area and the status bar.
* style_seaborn_notebook(): It writes information in the text area and the status bar.
* style_seaborn_paper(): It writes information in the text area and the status bar.
* style_seaborn_pastel(): It writes information in the text area and the status bar.
* style_seaborn_seaborn_poster(): It writes information in the text area and the status bar.
* style_seaborn_talk(): It writes information in the text area and the status bar.
* style_seaborn_ticks(): It writes information in the text area and the status bar.
* style_seaborn_white(): It writes information in the text area and the status bar.
* style_seaborn_whitegrid(): It writes information in the text area and the status bar.
* hide_all(): It hides more things.
* make_plots(): Added plot of QC.
* show_metadata(): It shows the metadata information.
* report_save(): Deleted function.
* In obsea.py
* In class OBSEA:
* qc(): Fixed bug.


**New Features**

* In gui.py: Now we can open EMODnet files.
* In observatory.py:
* plt_atmpres(): It plots pressure at sea level in dBs.
* plt_atmpres(): It plots sea level in meters.
* plt_prec(): It plots rain accumulation in millimeters.
* plt_relhu(): It plots relative humidity in %.
* plt_gusp(): It plots gust wind speed in meter/second.
* plt_cudi(): It plots current to a direction relative true north in degrees.
* plt_cusp(): It plots horizontal current speed in meters/second.

**Performance Enhancements**

* In emodnet.py:
* open(): Fixed bug opening a list of file paths. We removed the option to open CSV files. It is difficult to understand the columns of the CSV file.
* In gui.py: Fixed bug opening the GUI with an external call.
* In observatory.py:
* plt_atm(): Deleted x1000.

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