- Fixed `UNIQUE ID` error that happened somewhat stochastically when adding new exons to the database
Miscellaneous ~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- Explicitly added Python 3.6 compatibility - Change logo location to `logo/` instead of `logo/v1` since there's only one version anyway...
- Added ``GC/AG`` to valid splice sites
- Add ``bam`` alignment files as input option
Miscellaneous ~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- Parallelized Psi calculation, the exact number of processors can be specified with ``--n-jobs``, and by default, ``--n-jobs`` is ``-1``, which means use as many processors as are available.
Updated README/HISTORY files
- Added version info with ``outrigger --version`` - Sped up gffutils queries and event finding by running ``ANALYZE`` on SQLite databases.
.. _lcscs12345: https://github.com/lcscs12345
- Clarified ``.gtf`` file example for directory output