pycalculix is a Python 3 library to automate and build finite element analysis (FEA) models in Calculix.
Meshing uses Calculix or GMSH.
Source Code:
This file includes binaries (programs): Gmsh (meshing), and Calculix (FEA solver).
It works on Linux and Windows.
This release is a python installation file.
One must have python 3+ installed, and the pip library.
To install it, in your console, type:
pip install pycalculix
or manually download this file and type:
pip install Drive:/folder/ [you insert the location that you downloaded the zip file to]
pycalculix Features:
-Static structural models can be made and analyzed
-Triangular or quadratic first or second order elements
-Plane stress, plane strain, and axisymmetric elements
-Loads: pressure, forces, water pressure, rotational speed, gravity
-Constraints: displacement constraints
-All results can be plotted and queried from python
Single parts can be analyzed or
multiple parts without contact between them