
Latest version: v1.1.2

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- Sets part.left/right/top/bottom using geometry.ACC constant, tests added
- Fixes issue where part.left
was not being set if a line was slightly skewed
- Fixes a mac install issue where gcc7 was assuming a specific X.X.X version
of gcc7


Adds Microsoft Azure continuous integration tests to verify that the library is working. The following environments are tested:
- Windows Server 2016 (x64 and x86 architecture)
- Mac OS X (x64)
- Ubuntu 16.04 (x64)
Fixes a bug where cad files could not be loaded if they had a period in their path.
Omits test_pinned_plate if it fails because it often does not converge in ccx.
Tests now pass on the above environments, and are run every time a merge request is created.


pycalculix is a Python 3 library to automate and build finite element analysis (FEA) models in Calculix.
Meshing uses Calculix or GMSH.
Source Code:
This file includes binaries (programs): Gmsh (meshing), and Calculix (FEA solver).
It works on Linux and Windows.

This release is a python installation file.
One must have python 3+ installed, and the pip library.
To install it, in your console, type:
pip install pycalculix
or manually download this file and type:
pip install Drive:/folder/ [you insert the location that you downloaded the zip file to]

pycalculix Features:
-Static structural models can be made and analyzed
-Triangular or quadratic first or second order elements
-Plane stress, plane strain, and axisymmetric elements
-Loads: pressure, forces, water pressure, rotational speed, gravity
-Constraints: displacement constraints
-All results can be plotted and queried from python

Single parts can be analyzed or
multiple parts without contact between them


Fixes part.fillet_lines method, all tests now pass
Parts may be drawn in counter clockwise (CCW) or clockwise (CW) directions.


This version fixes bugs and resolves github issues.
Changes are listed below:

- Adds tests: sample tests at tests/
- Adds tests: meshing tests at tests/
- Adds solving and meshing timeout exception to capture when they hang
- Fixes dxf import feature, syntax updates to use dfxgrabber >= 0.8.0,
Issue 32
- Adds requirement for dfxgrabber >= 0.8.0 to ensure that dxf import works
- Pegs Mac gmsh version to gmsh == 3.0.5 because version 3.0.6
throws segault errors when meshing
- Fixes a bug where solver input file does not write material before
time steps, Issue 32
- Fixed ccx installer on Windows: zip file is now found and
- Throws an exception if ccx version is too old, v 2.7 and earlier is
too old
- Pegs Win gmsh install version to 3.0.5
- Updates the calculation for element Seqv, S1, S2, and S3 avg max
and min values. Now calculates Seqv and principal stresses at all
integration points, then calculates the avg max and min of those
- Win pegged ccx to version 2.12
- Mac brew brewsci/science/calculix-ccx is currently at ccx version 2.13
- Ubuntu apt-get calculix-ccx is currently is currently at version 2.11


ADDED: Import CAD geometry from dxf file
See pycalculix.CadImporter
ADDED: multiple parts with contacts
See example files:,
ADDED: Element results plotting added
Element results plotting: pycalculix.Problem.rfile.eplot()
Nodal results plotting: pycalculix.Problem.rfile.nplot()
Number Formatting:
Strain results now use scientific formatting
Others use nearest 10**3 suffixes
Max and min values now listed above the colorbar
ADDED: method to draw an arc by swept angle in degrees
part.draw_arc_angle(degrees_ccw, center_x, center_y)
ADDED: min_val and max_val can now be passed to eplot and nplot
This lets the user set the results range that they want to see:
min_val <= colored results <= max_val
Values under and over are greyed out, darker under, lighter over
ADDED: internal holes in parts
One can make circular holes, or draw complicated holes.
See example 7
ADDED: Added set_ediv method to FeaModel class.
This method sets the number of elements on a line.
line.set_ediv still works.
ADDED: Robust selection object: feamodel.view
This object is feamodel.view Most important methods are:
view.select_all,, view.allsel_under
All plotting now uses the current selection set
SYNTAX: updated how parts, materials, problems are made
Make part:
pycalculix.FeaModel.make_part or pycalculix.Part
Make material:
pycalculix.FeaModel.make_matl or pycalculix.Material
Make problem (previously called model):
pycalculix.FeaModel.make_problem or pycalculix.Problem
Make Results File:
pycalculix.Problem.rfile or pycalculix.ResultsFile(problem)



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