
Latest version: v1.0.1

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- Updated minimum dependency versions: setuptools_scm>=8.1, scipy>=1.8
- pyuvdata utils imports to ensure compatibility with version 3.0.
- `numpy.string_` calls to `numpy.bytes_`, `np.in1d` to `np.isin` and a few other
changes for numpy 2.0 compatibility.

- An error when Skymodel.concat was called serially.


- Updated minimum dependency versions: astropy>=6.0, h5py>=3.4, numpy>=1.23,
pyuvdata>=2.4.3, scipy>=1.7.3, python>=3.10
- Updated minimum optional dependency versions: astropy-healpix>=1.0.2, lunarsky>=0.2.2


- A memo describing the SkyH5 format in docs/references.

- Added support for more types of FHD catalog files and better error messages.
- Added support (and testing) for python 3.12, dropped support for python 3.8
- Moved the optional data-sized arrays (stokes_error and beam_amp) from the Header
datagroup to the Data datagroup in SkyH5 files.
- Added an `extra_columns` attribute to SkyModel, a recarray to store other catalog
information with a value per component.
- Updated the pyuvdata requirement to >= 2.4.1
- Updated the scipy requirement to >= 1.5

- A bug where FHD frequencies were interpreted as being in Hz rather than MHz.


- A `freq_edge_array` parameter to store the top and bottom of the sub-bands with shape
(2, Nfreqs). This will become required for objects with "subband" spectral types in
version 0.5. A `freq_edge_array` parameter was also added to the `read_votable_file`,
`read` and `from_file` methods.

- When writing to text files, "subband" spectral types are represented in the same
way as "full" spectral types (losing the frequency edge array information).
- Increase the minimum compatible version for lunarsky to 0.2.1 to fix astropy
deprecation warnings.

- Not setting the `freq_edge_array` parameter for subband spectral types.

- Defaulting for the coordinate frame, `frame` is now required to be passed to
the `__init__` method for Healpix maps and point-like components when passing individual
components rather than a SkyCoord object. It is also required to be passed to the `read_votable_file` method.
- Handling for accessing the deprecated `ra_dec_coherency`, `lon`, `lat` attributes.
- Handling for accessing galactic `l` and `b` coordinates as `gl` and `gb`.
- The `point_to_healpix` method, use the `assign_to_healpix` instead.
- The `frame` parameter to the `assign_to_healpix` method. The frame from the object's
skycoord parameter is now always used for the Healpix frame, use `transform_to` to
convert to the desired frame before calling `assign_to_healpix`.
- The `source_cuts` method and the associated `source_select_keywords` parameters from
the various `read` methods.
- The `to_recarray` and `from_recarray` methods.
- Support for reading old `healvis` style Healpix hdf5 files (via the associated
`read_healpix_hdf5`, `from_healpix_hdf5` and `write_healpix_hdf5` methods). skyh5
files are now the only supported hdf5 file format.
- The `ra_column` and `dec_column` parameters to the `read` and `from_file` methods. Use
the more generic `lon_column` and `lat_column` parameters instead.


- Add support for all astropy coordinate frames with the new `skycoord` attribute (which
contains an astropy SkyCoord object) on point objects and the new `hpx_frame` attribute
on healpix objects. Users can interact with the SkyCoord object directly or use
convenience methods on SkyModel as appropriate. References to older SkyModel attributes
are handled for backwards compatibility.
- Read/write methods for text and votable files now support more astropy frames (not
just `icrs`).
- New `lon_column`, `lat_column` and `frame` parameters to the `read` and `from_file`
methods which apply when reading votable files.
- Added `calc_frame_coherency` method to calculate and optionally store the
frame_coherency on the object.

- Updated the astropy requirement to >= 5.2
- No longer calculate frame_coherency (previously ra_dec_coherency) on SkyModel
initialization to save memory.
- `J2000` in ra and dec columns names of text files are now properly identified as
indicating that the coordinates are in the FK5 frame rather than ICRS.
- Added handling for the new `skycoord` and `hpx_frame` parameters in skyh5 read/write
- Updated the pyuvdata requirement to >= 2.2.10
- Added support for `allowed_failures` keyword in `SkyModel.__eq__` to match
`pyuvdata.UVBase`, update pyuvdata minimum version to 2.2.1 when that keyword was
- Updated the astropy requirement to >= 5.0.4
- Dropped support for python 3.7

- The `ra_dec_coherency` attribute in favor of `frame_coherency` because SkyModel
objects can be in frames that do not use ra/dec coordinates.
- The `lon`, `lat` and `frame` attributes, in favor of the `skycoord` attribute for
point objects and the `hpx_inds` and `hpx_frame` attributes for healpix objects.
- The `ra_column` and `dec_column` parameters in the `read` and `from_file` methods in
favor of the `lon_column` and `lat_column` as a part of supporting more frames in
votable files.
- The `to_recarray` and `from_recarray` methods.

- Removed support for the older input parameter order to `SkyModel.__init__`.
- Removed support for passing `freq_array`, `reference_freq` or `stokes` to
`SkyModel.__init__` as anything other than appropriate Quantities.
- `set_spectral_type_params` and `read_idl_catalog` methods have been
removed from `SkyModel`
- Removed the `read_healpix_hdf5`, `healpix_to_sky`, `write_healpix_hdf5`,
`skymodel_to_array`, `array_to_skymodel`, `source_cuts`, `read_votable_catalog`,
`read_gleam_catalog`, `read_text_catalog`, `read_idl_catalog`, `write_catalog_to_file`
functions (many similar methods on `SkyModel` remain).
- Removed support for passing telescope_location directly to the
`SkyModel.coherency_calc` method.
- Removed support for votable_files with tables with no name or ID.
- Removed `frequency` column and alias like `flux_density_I` for flux columns in output
of `SkyModel.to_recarray`,


- Generic `read` and `from_file` methods to SkyModel objects that accept any file type
supported by SkyModel.

- A `filename` attribute to SkyModel objects.
- The `nan_handling` keyword to the `at_frequencies` method to control how NaNs in the
stokes array on subband objects are handled during interpolation.
- The `lat_range` and `lon_range` keywords to the `select` method to support selecting
on fields.
- The `min_brightness`, `max_brightness` and `brightness_freq_range` keywords to the
`select` method to support selecting on brightness.
- The `cut_nonrising` method to remove sources that never rise given a telescope
location, replacing functionality that was in the `source_cuts` method.
- The `calculate_rise_set_lsts` method to calculate and set the `_rise_lst` and
`_set_lst` attributes on the object, replacing functionality that was in the
`source_cuts` method.
- The `get_lon_lat` method which computes the values from `hpx_inds` on healpix objects
and just returns the parameter values on point objects.
- The `assign_to_healpix` method to assign point component objects to a healpix grid
(using the nearest neighbor approach).

- A bug that caused the stokes array to be all NaNs after using the `at_frequencies`
method on a subband spectral_type object if any NaNs appeared in the input stokes.

- `ra` and `dec` are no longer required parameters on healpix objects (since that
information is encoded in the `hpx_inds` parameter). When objects are initialized as
healpix objects the `ra` and `dec` parameters are no longer populated.
- `point_to_healpix` has been renamed to `_point_to_healpix` because it's only intended
to be used internally to undo the `healpix_to_point` method.

- A bug in `concat` when optional spectral paramters are not None on one of the objects.

- The `source_cuts` method and the `source_select_kwds` keywords to the reading methods.
- The `point_to_healpix` method.

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