- Add support for all astropy coordinate frames with the new `skycoord` attribute (which
contains an astropy SkyCoord object) on point objects and the new `hpx_frame` attribute
on healpix objects. Users can interact with the SkyCoord object directly or use
convenience methods on SkyModel as appropriate. References to older SkyModel attributes
are handled for backwards compatibility.
- Read/write methods for text and votable files now support more astropy frames (not
just `icrs`).
- New `lon_column`, `lat_column` and `frame` parameters to the `read` and `from_file`
methods which apply when reading votable files.
- Added `calc_frame_coherency` method to calculate and optionally store the
frame_coherency on the object.
- Updated the astropy requirement to >= 5.2
- No longer calculate frame_coherency (previously ra_dec_coherency) on SkyModel
initialization to save memory.
- `J2000` in ra and dec columns names of text files are now properly identified as
indicating that the coordinates are in the FK5 frame rather than ICRS.
- Added handling for the new `skycoord` and `hpx_frame` parameters in skyh5 read/write
- Updated the pyuvdata requirement to >= 2.2.10
- Added support for `allowed_failures` keyword in `SkyModel.__eq__` to match
`pyuvdata.UVBase`, update pyuvdata minimum version to 2.2.1 when that keyword was
- Updated the astropy requirement to >= 5.0.4
- Dropped support for python 3.7
- The `ra_dec_coherency` attribute in favor of `frame_coherency` because SkyModel
objects can be in frames that do not use ra/dec coordinates.
- The `lon`, `lat` and `frame` attributes, in favor of the `skycoord` attribute for
point objects and the `hpx_inds` and `hpx_frame` attributes for healpix objects.
- The `ra_column` and `dec_column` parameters in the `read` and `from_file` methods in
favor of the `lon_column` and `lat_column` as a part of supporting more frames in
votable files.
- The `to_recarray` and `from_recarray` methods.
- Removed support for the older input parameter order to `SkyModel.__init__`.
- Removed support for passing `freq_array`, `reference_freq` or `stokes` to
`SkyModel.__init__` as anything other than appropriate Quantities.
- `set_spectral_type_params` and `read_idl_catalog` methods have been
removed from `SkyModel`
- Removed the `read_healpix_hdf5`, `healpix_to_sky`, `write_healpix_hdf5`,
`skymodel_to_array`, `array_to_skymodel`, `source_cuts`, `read_votable_catalog`,
`read_gleam_catalog`, `read_text_catalog`, `read_idl_catalog`, `write_catalog_to_file`
functions (many similar methods on `SkyModel` remain).
- Removed support for passing telescope_location directly to the
`SkyModel.coherency_calc` method.
- Removed support for votable_files with tables with no name or ID.
- Removed `frequency` column and alias like `flux_density_I` for flux columns in output
of `SkyModel.to_recarray`,