:rocket: Dependencies Upgrades
* Bump amqp to 5.1.1
* Bump apispec to 5.2.2
* Bump celery to 5.2.7
* Bump Faker to 15.3.4
* Bump Flask to 2.1.3
* Bump flask-apispec to 0.11.4
* Bump Flask-Caching to 2.0.1
* Bump Flask-Migrate to 4.0.0
* Bump flower to 1.2.0
* Bump marshmallow to 3.17.1
* Bump mypy to 0.991
* Bump orjson to 3.8.3
* Bump pika to 1.3.1
* Bump plumbum to 1.8.0
* Bump psutil to 5.9.4
* Bump psycopg2-binary to 2.9.5
* Bump PyJWT to 2.6.0
* Bump pyOpenSSL to 22.1.0
* Bump pyotp to 2.7.0
* Bump pytest to 7.2.0
* Bump pytest-cov to 4.0.0
* Bump pytest-sugar to 0.9.6
* Bump redis to 4.4.0
* Bump segno to 1.5.2
* Bump sentry-sdk to 1.9.9
* Bump types-python-dateutil to
* Bump types-pytz to 2022.6.0.1
* Bump types-PyYAML to (170)
* Bump types-redis to
* Bump types-requests to
* Bump types-urllib3 to
* Bump webargs to 8.2.0
* Bump Werkzeug to 2.2.2
* Bump pre-commit hooks
:star2: New functionalities
* Bump RAPyDo version to 2.4
* Added support for pyproject.toml / setup.cfg
* Enabled Renovate
* Enable Mend Bolt
* Switched from setup to pyproject
* Added pre-commit exec to CI
* Added rapydo version to boot log
:wastebasket: Dropped functionalities
* Dropped telegram PoC
* Dropped TESTING_TOTP_HASH in favour of a mocked TOTP code in testing mode
* Disabled Celery Message Signing
* Dropped schemathesis
* Disabled Flask Caching when Redis is not enabled
* Dropped gunicorn and gevent dependencies, now moved at build level
* Dropped IP geo localization and maxminddb-geolite2 dependency
* Dropped support for mariadb auth service
:bug: Bug fixes and improvements
* TOTP code 111111 is now considered valid in testing mode to ease tests
* Moved back dependencies to setup.py for workflow compatibilities
* Force reinstallation of http-api package in case of PR
* Forced packages installation when a PR is merged
* Monkey patching celery Task to accept a generic argument
* Bug fix to set PR branches during tests
* Pinned all deps versions
* Added types-setuptools to mypy environment
* Added requests to dependencies
* Enabled pre-commit upgrade via Renovate
* Added hard requirement to setuptools>=64 and wheel>=0.34
* Added types optional-dependencies
* Added ignore to deprecation distutils Version classes warnings
* Pinning stubs dependencies
* Moving depdendencies to requirements files via dynamic metadata
* Added requirements.dev.txt and requirements.types.txt to Renovate conf
* Typing fixes after the new no_implicit_optional=True default
* Enabled Renovate automerge for patch deps
* Enabled Renovate automerge for pre-commit upgrades
* Fix flake8 url from gitlab to github
* Bump test workflows to run python 3.11