
Latest version: v3.0

Safety actively analyzes 714815 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

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:star2: New functionalities

- Alchemy connector is now based on pure SQLAlchemy (dropped support for Flask-SQLAlchemy)
- Replace obsolete passlib with direct use of bcrypt
- Add Alembic to handle sql migrations
- Set broker_connection_retry_on_startup to celery conf
- Add SMTP_REPLYTO env variable
- Add retry option on connectors get_instance

:bug: Bug fixes and improvements

- Replaced legacy sqlalchemy backref with back_populates
- Cleanup of connectors.load_models method
- Extended sqlalchemy models with Mapped types
- Improve models definitions by using DeclarativeBase and mapped_column
- Set alchemy READ COMMITTED isolation_level
- Added session commits on sql statements to reduce the number of idle in transaction queries
- Add __repr__ method to models classes to fix caching issues
- Add neobolt to dependencies
- Added SMTPConnectError to SMTP connection errors
- Fix alchemy connection management to have a global engine
- Fix to re-enable alchemy poolsize
- Fix json encoder
- Fix restapi init
- Fix db initialization
- Fix neo4j models by specifying full paths
- Fix requirements.types to reduce vulnerabilities
- Fix password reset
- Bug fix to invert user-group relationship
- Bug fix to prevent groups to be deleted with users still assign to
- Bug fix when sending cc and bcc emails as a list
- Extended flake8 configuration with flake8-bugbear
- Add tests on legacy backends
- Add pytest-rerunfailures to restart flaky tests
- Enable semgrep analysis
- Merge static analysis tools into a single workflow
- Add psycopg2 types

:wastebasket: Dropped functionalities

- Drop Flask-SQLAlchemy in favor of pure SQLAlchemy
- Drop sqlalchemy-stubs
- Drop support for Flask-Migrate
- Bump minimum python version to 3.9 (drop support for py38)
- Drop legacy38 backend build
- Drop ggshield hook
- Remove obsolete filterwarnings
- Remove unsupported encoding from alchemy create_engine

:rocket: Dependencies Upgrades

- Bump alembic to 1.9.4
- Bump amqp to 5.2.0
- Bump apispec to 6.3.1
- Bump celery to 5.4.0
- Bump celery-redbeat to 2.2.0
- Bump Flask to 2.2.5
- Bump Flask-Caching to 2.1.0
- Bump Flask-Cors to 4.0.0
- Bump flower to 2.0.1
- Bump glom to 23.5.0
- Bump html2text to 2024.2.26
- Bump loguru to 0.7.2
- Bump lxml to 5.2.1
- Bump marshmallow to 3.21.1
- Bump neomodel to 5.2.1
- Bump orjson to 3.10.1
- Bump pika to 1.3.2
- Bump plumbum to 1.8.2
- Bump psutil to 5.9.8
- Bump psycopg2-binary to 2.9.9
- Bump PyJWT to 2.8.0
- Bump PyMySQL to 1.1.0
- Bump pyOpenSSL to 23.0.0
- Bump pyotp to 2.9.0
- Bump PyYAML to 6.0.1
- Bump redis to 5.0.4
- Bump requests to 2.31.0
- Bump segno to 1.6.1
- Bump sentry to 2.0.1
- Bump SQLAlchemy to 2.0.29
- Bump webargs to 8.4.0
- Bump Werkzeug to 3.0.2
- Bump pytest to 8.1.1
- Bump pytest-cov to 5.0.0
- Bump pytest-flask to 1.3.0
- Bump pytest-sugar to 1.0.0
- Bump pytest-timeout to 2.3.1
- Bump Faker to 24.9.0
- Bump celery-types to 0.22.0
- Bump types-python-dateutil to
- Bump types-pytz to 2024.1.0.20240417
- Bump types-PyYAML to
- Bump types-redis to
- Bump types-requests to
- Bump types-urllib3 to
- Bump pre-commit hooks
- Bump actions/setup-python action to v5
- Bump upload-artifact action to v4
- Bump checkout action to v4
- Bump codeql-action action to v3
- Bump black to 23.1.0


:rocket: Dependencies Upgrades

* Bump amqp to 5.1.1

* Bump apispec to 5.2.2

* Bump celery to 5.2.7

* Bump Faker to 15.3.4

* Bump Flask to 2.1.3

* Bump flask-apispec to 0.11.4

* Bump Flask-Caching to 2.0.1

* Bump Flask-Migrate to 4.0.0

* Bump flower to 1.2.0

* Bump marshmallow to 3.17.1

* Bump mypy to 0.991

* Bump orjson to 3.8.3

* Bump pika to 1.3.1

* Bump plumbum to 1.8.0

* Bump psutil to 5.9.4

* Bump psycopg2-binary to 2.9.5

* Bump PyJWT to 2.6.0

* Bump pyOpenSSL to 22.1.0

* Bump pyotp to 2.7.0

* Bump pytest to 7.2.0

* Bump pytest-cov to 4.0.0

* Bump pytest-sugar to 0.9.6

* Bump redis to 4.4.0

* Bump segno to 1.5.2

* Bump sentry-sdk to 1.9.9

* Bump types-python-dateutil to

* Bump types-pytz to 2022.6.0.1

* Bump types-PyYAML to (170)

* Bump types-redis to

* Bump types-requests to

* Bump types-urllib3 to

* Bump webargs to 8.2.0

* Bump Werkzeug to 2.2.2

* Bump pre-commit hooks

:star2: New functionalities

* Bump RAPyDo version to 2.4

* Added support for pyproject.toml / setup.cfg

* Enabled Renovate

* Enable Mend Bolt

* Switched from setup to pyproject

* Added pre-commit exec to CI

* Added rapydo version to boot log

:wastebasket: Dropped functionalities

* Dropped telegram PoC

* Dropped TESTING_TOTP_HASH in favour of a mocked TOTP code in testing mode

* Disabled Celery Message Signing

* Dropped schemathesis

* Disabled Flask Caching when Redis is not enabled

* Dropped gunicorn and gevent dependencies, now moved at build level

* Dropped IP geo localization and maxminddb-geolite2 dependency

* Dropped support for mariadb auth service

:bug: Bug fixes and improvements

* TOTP code 111111 is now considered valid in testing mode to ease tests

* Moved back dependencies to setup.py for workflow compatibilities

* Force reinstallation of http-api package in case of PR

* Forced packages installation when a PR is merged

* Monkey patching celery Task to accept a generic argument

* Bug fix to set PR branches during tests

* Pinned all deps versions

* Added types-setuptools to mypy environment

* Added requests to dependencies

* Enabled pre-commit upgrade via Renovate

* Added hard requirement to setuptools>=64 and wheel>=0.34

* Added types optional-dependencies

* Added ignore to deprecation distutils Version classes warnings

* Pinning stubs dependencies

* Moving depdendencies to requirements files via dynamic metadata

* Added requirements.dev.txt and requirements.types.txt to Renovate conf

* Typing fixes after the new no_implicit_optional=True default

* Enabled Renovate automerge for patch deps

* Enabled Renovate automerge for pre-commit upgrades

* Fix flake8 url from gitlab to github

* Bump test workflows to run python 3.11


:rocket: Dependencies Upgrades

* Bump RAPyDo version to 2.3

* Bump amqp to 5.1.0

* Bump python-telegram-bot to 13.11

* Bump sentry to 1.5.8

* Bump Faker to 13.3.3

* Bump pytest-timeout to 2.1.0

* Bump marshmallow to 3.15.0

* Bump webargs to 8.1.0

* Bump Flask to 2.1.1

* Bump Werkzeug to 2.1.0

* Bump apispec to 5.2.0

* Bump flask-apispec to 0.11.1

* Bump schemathesis to 3.13.7

* Bump python-version to 3.10 in CI workflows

* Bump sentry-sdk to 1.5.11

* Upgraded GA build image from ubuntu-20.04 to ubuntu-latest

* Pinned redis version to 4.2.2

* Precommit update

:star2: New functionalities

* Added FTP connector

* Enabled Celery Message Signing in production mode

:wastebasket: Dropped functionalities

* Disabled Deadpendency workflow

* Dropped MongoDB Connector and Auth database

* Dropped FlaskRestful

* Dropped gunicorn tornado-based worker class

:bug: Bug fixes and improvements

* Added FTP_SSL_ENABLED to disable TLS connection

* Added FTP connector tests

* Bug fix to correctly execute tests in production mode

* Redis: Broker and Celery backend databases are now stored on different indexes

* Test utility getDynamicInputSchema renamed into get_dynamic_input_schema

* Bug fix: prevent body load_data to fail in case of non-json inputs

* Moved metadata from setup.py to setup.cfg

* Added project metadata to pyproject.toml

* Moved isort configuration from .isort.cfg to pyproject.toml

* Bug fix: connectors exit now re-raise the exception in case of errors

* FTP connector is no longer verified at startup

* Bug fix: connectors exit now re-raise the exception in case of errors

* Added ignore of DeprecationWarning: There is no current event loop to ignore list

* Added ignore of _SixMetaPathImporter.find_spec() not found; falling back to find_module(), raised from flask caching

* Added ignore of SelectableGroups dict interface is deprecated. Use select warnings

* RabbitMQ connector client configured with ssl.PROTOCOL_TLS_CLIENT flag

* Replaced deprecated ssl.PROTOCOL_TLS with ssl.PROTOCOL_TLS_CLIENT

* Configured SSL certificate verification on ftp connector

* Added libgeos-dev to readthedocs build configuration

* Added libgeos-dev to mypy workflow

* Bug fix to handle immutable dicts from request args

* Bug fix: prevent ftp connection with if sock is None







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