What's Changed
* propagating duration parameter to reachy.arm.translate_by() by apirrone in https://github.com/pollen-robotics/reachy2-sdk/pull/375
* 376 add duration to rotate by by glannuzel in https://github.com/pollen-robotics/reachy2-sdk/pull/377
* adding getter last_cmd_vel to mobile base by apirrone in https://github.com/pollen-robotics/reachy2-sdk/pull/370
* 347 add init function by glannuzel in https://github.com/pollen-robotics/reachy2-sdk/pull/350
* 380 be able to wait for movements by glannuzel in https://github.com/pollen-robotics/reachy2-sdk/pull/381
* 371 add function to know if gripper has finished movement by glannuzel in https://github.com/pollen-robotics/reachy2-sdk/pull/378
* 384 turn off smoothly could be smooth by glannuzel in https://github.com/pollen-robotics/reachy2-sdk/pull/390
* 388 check is off before all send goal positions by glannuzel in https://github.com/pollen-robotics/reachy2-sdk/pull/395
* 373 add info for unreachable positions by glannuzel in https://github.com/pollen-robotics/reachy2-sdk/pull/386
* 287 goto cartesian interpolation incompatibility by glannuzel in https://github.com/pollen-robotics/reachy2-sdk/pull/379
* Modify speeds on turn_on by glannuzel in https://github.com/pollen-robotics/reachy2-sdk/pull/400
* 397 expose cameras extrinsic matrix by FabienDanieau in https://github.com/pollen-robotics/reachy2-sdk/pull/401
* 403 look at in pixel space by FabienDanieau in https://github.com/pollen-robotics/reachy2-sdk/pull/404
* 391 add utils functions for pose matrix by glannuzel in https://github.com/pollen-robotics/reachy2-sdk/pull/392
* Circular interpolation by glannuzel in https://github.com/pollen-robotics/reachy2-sdk/pull/396
* 393 add translate by and rotate by to mobile base by glannuzel in https://github.com/pollen-robotics/reachy2-sdk/pull/394
* 408 modify function names from move into goto by ClaireHzl in https://github.com/pollen-robotics/reachy2-sdk/pull/410
* 407 send goal position doesnt not do anything when position is not reachable by FabienDanieau in https://github.com/pollen-robotics/reachy2-sdk/pull/409
* 415 rectify tests by ClaireHzl in https://github.com/pollen-robotics/reachy2-sdk/pull/416
* bug 383: remove is_goto_plyaing function by FabienDanieau in https://github.com/pollen-robotics/reachy2-sdk/pull/418
* 399 robot is stuck in infinite loop using translate by with wait=true by FabienDanieau in https://github.com/pollen-robotics/reachy2-sdk/pull/417
* Update test_interpolations.py by glannuzel in https://github.com/pollen-robotics/reachy2-sdk/pull/421
* 412 modify way to wait for movements in notebooks by ClaireHzl in https://github.com/pollen-robotics/reachy2-sdk/pull/425
* 406 add docstrings by glannuzel in https://github.com/pollen-robotics/reachy2-sdk/pull/420
* documentation 422: publish doc to github pages by FabienDanieau in https://github.com/pollen-robotics/reachy2-sdk/pull/423
* 426 enforce docstrings by FabienDanieau in https://github.com/pollen-robotics/reachy2-sdk/pull/427
* 411 normalize function names between parts by ClaireHzl in https://github.com/pollen-robotics/reachy2-sdk/pull/419
* Error managing in blocking goto by ClaireHzl in https://github.com/pollen-robotics/reachy2-sdk/pull/430
* Turn on sets low speed by cdussieux in https://github.com/pollen-robotics/reachy2-sdk/pull/435
* enhancement 315: adding funtions useful for the rerun project by FabienDanieau in https://github.com/pollen-robotics/reachy2-sdk/pull/413
* 433 add rotate for head by ClaireHzl in https://github.com/pollen-robotics/reachy2-sdk/pull/434
* Switch to TypeErrors by ClaireHzl in https://github.com/pollen-robotics/reachy2-sdk/pull/431
* fix coverage report by FabienDanieau in https://github.com/pollen-robotics/reachy2-sdk/pull/437
* 432 thread to check the send goal positions is taking too long by ClaireHzl in https://github.com/pollen-robotics/reachy2-sdk/pull/439
* Remove elapsed time prints. by simheo in https://github.com/pollen-robotics/reachy2-sdk/pull/444
* add of timeout in waiting gotos by ClaireHzl in https://github.com/pollen-robotics/reachy2-sdk/pull/441
* 445 check core mode by glannuzel in https://github.com/pollen-robotics/reachy2-sdk/pull/446
* Update __init__.py by glannuzel in https://github.com/pollen-robotics/reachy2-sdk/pull/448
New Contributors
* apirrone made their first contribution in https://github.com/pollen-robotics/reachy2-sdk/pull/375
* cdussieux made their first contribution in https://github.com/pollen-robotics/reachy2-sdk/pull/435
**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/pollen-robotics/reachy2-sdk/compare/v1.0.5...v1.0.6