
Latest version: v2024.9.1

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- virtual harvester
- allow direct pass-through
- cv-harvester can now extrapolate (linear around current set-point) which makes it more responsive and reduces error
- virtual source
- add feedback-path to harvester (to control cv-harvester) when no boost-converter is used
- bring changes from pru-code to py
- simulation can now plot several internal states
- simulation example now runs several models through the jogging-dataset and creates plots and data
- virtual targets
- improve current targets
- add diode+resistor target (to emulate a diode for burning energy)
- add exemplary instantiations of some targets
- shp-reader - improve calculation of file-stats


- add hdf5-file based simulations
- targets: resistive, constant-current and constant-power; each controllable by pwr_good
- source / emulation
- harvest
- update examples accordingly `shepherd_core/example/`
- remove progress-bar when task is finished


- plotting: disable creation of tick-offset
- cal: add si-unit
- add `shepherd_core/example/` that processes hdf5-recordings and also generates them
- add `shepherd_core/examples/` to create static energy environments
- virtual source model
- fix off-by-1 error in rows of efficiency-LUTs
- remove limiting-behavior of boost-regulator
- add residue-feature to calibration-converters
- bq25504 - to not cut-off output, increase capacity to 100 uF and adapt pwr-good-voltages (close to DK)
- harvester model
- fix voc-harvesting
- improve windowing setting for ingested ivcurve
- port behavior from PRU
- port behavior from PRU
- ivcurve-harvesting-fixture: make 110 Hz version the new default
- isc-voc-harvesting-fixture: give 4x more time to settle
- hdf5-writer: only modify non-None elements
- hdf5-reader: improve samplerate calculation


- fix two bugs in calibration
- plotting
- re-enable plotting of ivcurves (but still warn about it)
- add plot for power (IV combined)
- add option to only plot power
- switch from uA & uW to mA & mW for plots


- fixture-cache -> limit usage to sheep / bbone
- include lib-version in experiment- and wrapper-data
- tb-client - improve query of data
- create AbstractBaseClass for tb-client to allow dedicated Clients like `FixturesClient`, `WebClient`, `DbClient`
- `extra/` shows size of different firmwares (elf, hex, embedded-yaml, embedded-json)
- yaml / json does embed elf with zstd-compression level20 and base64-encoding

saved FW ./content/fw/nes_lab/nrf52_rf_test/build.elf
-> size-stat: {'elf': 860904, 'hex': 4340, 'yaml': 232007, 'json': 231932}
saved FW ./content/fw/nes_lab/nrf52_deep_sleep/build.elf
-> size-stat: {'elf': 619088, 'hex': 799, 'yaml': 170395, 'json': 170320}
saved FW ./content/fw/nes_lab/nrf52_rf_survey/build.elf
-> size-stat: {'elf': 799636, 'hex': 123517, 'yaml': 287927, 'json': 287852}


- inventory - bugfix for beagle-info
- extract - more robust file-handling
- extract-uart - more robust waveform decoding
- extract-meta - more robust operation
- add script to generate plot of link-matrix

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