Updating so some of the new APIs are available on pypi.
Bugs fixed
* 646, fixed a bug with the Cython speedups not being included in package.
* 654, documented how to create models with no primary key.
* 659, allow bare `INSERT` statements.
* 674, regarding foreign key / one-to-one relationships.
* 676, allow `ArrayField` to accept tuples in addition to lists.
* 679, fix regarding unsaved relations.
* 682, refactored QueryResultWrapper to allow multiple independent iterations over the same underlying result cache.
* 692, fix bug with multiple joins to same table + eager loading.
* 695, fix bug when connection fails while using an execution context.
* 698, use correct column names with non-standard django foreign keys.
* 706, return `datetime.time` instead of `timedelta` for MySQL time fields.
* 712, fixed SQLite migrator regular expressions. Thanks sroebert.
New features
* 647, 649, 650, added support for `RETURNING` clauses. Update, Insert and Delete queries can now be called with `RETURNING` to retrieve the rows that were affected. [See docs](http://docs.peewee-orm.com/en/latest/peewee/querying.htmlreturning-clause).
* 685, added web request hook docs.
* 691, allowed arbitrary model attributes and methods to be serialized by `model_to_dict()`. [Docs](http://docs.peewee-orm.com/en/latest/peewee/playhouse.htmlmodel_to_dict).
* 696, allow `model_to_dict()` to introspect query for which fields to serialize.
* Added backend-agnostic [truncate_date()](http://docs.peewee-orm.com/en/latest/peewee/api.htmlDatabase.truncate_date) implementation.
* Added a `FixedCharField` which uses column type `CHAR`.
* Added support for arbitrary `PRAGMA` statements to be run on new SQLite connections. [Docs](http://docs.peewee-orm.com/en/latest/peewee/databases.htmlsqlite-pragma).
* Removed `berkeley_build.sh` script. See instructions [on my blog instead](http://charlesleifer.com/blog/building-the-python-sqlite-driver-for-use-with-berkeleydb/).
[View commits](https://github.com/coleifer/peewee/compare/2.6.2...2.6.4)