
Latest version: v2.1.0

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Fixed bugs:
- When editing sections, the index will be reset to 0
- When opening a menu, the sections are not sorted


- Made jquery locally available


New features:
- Drag and drop system for rearranging menus
- Menus are now accessable by a user's state

Fixed bugs:
- Index page redirects now to first menu, not oldest menu
- Menu dropdown items no longer expand outside the screen
- Navbar no longer doubles it's size on some resolutions
- Add link on editor dropdown menu to the markdown guide
- Search now also lists public sections
- app_utils is now a PyPI requirement
- Fontawesome link now opens in a new tab
- Fontawesome link now only shows free icons (premium icons are not usable anyway)
- Icon names are no longer required to be formatted as "fas fa-<name>", you can either use the name, html or old format
- Editor dropdown menus now show which sub-menu is active

Internal Optimizations:
- Reworked the menu and section models
- Changed error code to error strings
- Add logging for helper functions


New minor features:
- Added support for tables
- Added support for alerts
- Added support for google drive
- Added markdown reference guide at https://{auth.your_domain_here}/wiki/editor/guides/markdown

Behind the scenes:
- Added basic logging


New minor features:
- Added support for YouTube and Vimeo videos
- `youtube:<id>:<width>:<height>`
- `vimeo:<id>:<width>:<height>`
- `width` and `height` are optional
- Added support to add a hyperlink to links automatically

Behind the scenes:
- Removed `commonmark`
- Added `mistune`


Fixed bug:
- Fixed a permission bug that prevented menus from showing even when no groups were selected.

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