
Latest version: v0.0.15

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* Verify the limitedness of type annotations (156)
* Allow for subclass checks in intermediate (164)
* Make stringify output multi-line string (165)
* Fix stacking of inferred schema constraints (166)
* Fix methods ignored in intermediate (167)
* Allow contracts for impl.-specific methods (168)
* Introduce ``specified_for`` for methods (170)
* Re-visit inheritance of methods and signatures (171)
* Add experimental support for ``any`` in invariants (173)

* Implement a practical set of visitors in C (151)
* Allow null enums in C stringification (152)
* Remove unused arguments in C jsonization (153)
* Specify more implementation keys in C jsonization (154)
* Fix documentation about classes in C jsonization (155)
* Write xmlization for C (157)
* Fix unspecified indention in C (161)
* Fix indention in snippets of C jsonization (162)
* Expect C snippets for types in a directory (169)

* Adapt RDF and SHACL to match aas-specs V3RC02 (159)


* Sort definitions in JSON schema (148)

* Sort schema elements by tag and name in XSD (149)


* Render the descriptions with smoke at intermediate (142)

* Represent string constants as literals in C (136)
* Fix formatting of multi-line invariants in C (137)
* Break lines on invariants in C (139)
* Wrap the invariant descriptions in C (140)

JSON Schema
* Make ``modelType``'s strings in JSON schema (143)

* Write XSD generator (126)
* Fix interfaces in XSD (128)
* Fix XSD to use correct environment type (130)
* Undo escaping of ``\x??`` in XSD (131)


* Script smoke-testing a meta-model (119)
* Fix swallowed errors in ``infer_for_schema`` (118)



* Infer schema constraints only for strings (115)
* Return errors instead of raising in C jsonization (114)
* Exclude ``ast`` class names from errors (112)
* Produce better errors on unexpected enum elements (111)
* Check the order of properties and constructor args (107)
* Extract structure information from docstrings (106)
* Handle ``all`` in intermediate representation (95)
* Introduce ``constraintref`` role in the docs (71)
* Parse ``reference_in_the_book`` (69)
* Remove ``ID`` from abbreviations in ``naming`` (60)
* Fix naming for set of symbols used in properties (57)

* Refactor verification in ``IEnumerable`` in C (93)
* Refactor errors to ``Reporting`` in C (92)
* Generate JSON paths for C jsonization errors (91)
* Optimize path handling in C JSON deserialization (90)
* Re-write two-pass serialization based on NET6 (89)

JSON Schema
* Enforce base64 encoding for bytearrays in JSON (87)
* Fix ``ModelTypes`` enumeration in JSON (82)
* Remove ``*_abstract`` definitions from JSON (78)
* In-line constrained primitives in JSON Schema (77)
* Nest constrained primitives in JSON (67)
* Skip unused symbols in JSON schema (58)
* Use ``oneOf`` instead of ``anyOf`` in JSON schema (56)
* Add ``modelType`` in JSON schema (55)
* Remove redundant ``type`` property in JSON schema (54)

* Update RDF gen after review of V3RC01 (62)



* Approximate RDF to aas-specs (49)
* Fix RDF schema generation (48)
* Generte RDF and SHACL schemas (46)
* Introduce topologically sorted symbols in the table (45)
* Upgrade docutils to 0.18.1 (43)
* Remove ``RefTypeAnnotation`` from the IR (39)
* Make jsonization in C two-pass (37)
* Fix double curly brackets in C verification (36)
* Infer type of enumeration literals in invariants (32)
* Allow enumeration literals to be arbitrary strings (31)

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