
Latest version: v3.0.0

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* Workspace swagger picker supports load default swagger module and resource providers (175)
* `aaz-dev run`: Add `--swagger-module-path`, "--module", "--resource-provider" to specify single swagger repo for code generation (175)
* `aaz-dev command-model generate-from-swagger`: Support generate command model from swagger by readme tag for pipeline use (176)
* `aaz-dev cli generate-by-swagger-tag`: Support generate code in cli from command models by using readme tag for pipeline use (178)
* `aaz-dev regenerate`: Support to regenerate aaz commands from command models (178)
* Fix Workspace display no arguments command error (177)
* Ignore '/' character in x-ms-identifiers swagger property (174)


* Fix subresource selector in generic update operation (172)


* Ignore argument id-parts when generate code for list commands (169)
* Optimize swagger `Error response` invalid hints (170)


* Support build-in keywords in property name generation (167)
* Add portal CLI generator (153)
* Support to generate property name starts with digit (166)
* Support to modify default for array, dict and object arguments (165)
* Fix `id_part` setup (164)
* Disable `id_part` for create command and subcommand (163)
* Support array index auto generate (162)
* Support to modify argument options for subcommand (161)
* Support subcommand generation (154)
* Add FAQs for Swagger definition (160)
* Fix `x-ms-skip-url-encoding` unparsed in Swagger (159)


* Fix `workspace` bug on class argument unwrap (155)
* Fix `workspace` reload issue for update command using patch (156)
* Optimize `generation` error message display when loading modules (157)


* Fix workspace export to aaz issue. (148)
* Ignore empty confirmation string in generated code (149)
* Fix version and readiness parse issue in swagger file path (150)
* Fix class inheritance overwritten issue (151)

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