- [] pre-commit autoupdate (backport 4674) mergify (4676)
🐛 Bug Fixes
- [bugfix] Import modules in caeModules (backport 4682) mergify (4684)
- [bugfix] Dynamic setuptools py-modules and update setuptools-scm configs (backport 4665) mergify (4667)
- Revert "[bugfix] Fix abqpy CLI issues" (backport 4640) mergify (4643)
- [bugfix] Fix abqpy CLI issues (backport 4624) mergify (4626)
- [bugfix] Use the relative file path for the jupyter notebook (backport 4606) mergify (4609)
📝 Documentation
- [docs] Update commands to install the package ith jupyter support (backport 4649) mergify (4651)
- [docs] Update executions methods in getting started (backport 4632) mergify (4634)
- [docs] skewExample: Create the Abaqus Model in the script (backport 4607) mergify (4616)
- [docs] Update user docs (backport 4588) mergify (4590)
- [docs] Add project links in the sidebar (backport 4572) mergify (4582)
🤖 Automation
- [workflow] Move scripts (backport 4657) mergify (4659)
- [automation] Add the prettier pre-commit hook (backport 4596) mergify (4598)
- [automation] Clean PR template (backport 4573) mergify (4575)
**Full Changelog**: