- 💅 Loading state while Smart Console is processing a question - 💅 Better UI for notification email - ✨ Feat: Add home page to access control - 🐛 Fix: Retry failed stage runs now working - 🐛 Fix: Disable clear for time picker inputs in Job settings - 🐛 Fix: Simplify file upload
- 🐛 Fix: force resource cleanup after each run
- ✨ Feat: Allow retrying failed threads from kanban - ✨ Feat: Add parameter `accepted_formats` to `read_file` widget - ✨ Feat: Add .gitignore by default on new projects - 🐛 Fix: Fixes popover breaking on scroll - 🐛 Fix: Smart Console is now aware of the stage type - 🐛 Fix: Scroll and layout issues on multiple screens - 🐛 Fix: Start new thread kanban button is not a draggable part of the column - 🐛 Fix: `initial_value` parameter on `read_pandas_row_selection` (accepts a list of indexes) - 🐛 Fix: Fix save button state after creating a hook on workflow
- 🐛 Fix: Improvements on form runner layout - 🐛 Fix: Alow stage runs without data to be displayed in table view - ✨ Allows changing variable name of 'item' that will be iterated over in iterators - 💅 Better 403, 404 and 500 error screens - ✨ Feat: Allow multiline env vars - 🐛 Fix: Actions in form runner inside Form Editor were hidden behind Smart Console
- 🐛 Fix: Sometimes logging out did not update current page - 🐛 Fix: Only creates a threads in Smart Console if the user is logged - 🐛 Fix: User tokens not being pre checked on api calls - 🐛 Fix: Save button on workflow editor not saving conditions and iterators - 🐛 Fix: Drag and drop functionality was not working on Safari
- 🐛 Fix: initial_value was not working with integer values - 🐛 Fix: OIDC environment varibles were not working when using .env - 🐛 Fix: Testing protected forms on editor