What's Changed * Development by briney in https://github.com/briney/abutils/pull/32 * Development by briney in https://github.com/briney/abutils/pull/33
Updates ------------ * added bar() and scatter() methods to abutils.pl * updated Pair objects to be compatible with TCR sequences * bugfixes
* updated ``abutils.io.read_csv`` to use ``pandas.read_csv`` rather than ``csv.DictReader``. This should result in better typing of numeric data fields. * switched back to ``mmseqs`` for clustering.
Features: * add translation function to abutils.core.sequence * Sequence objects now have a translate() method
Other: * Fix TravisCI link in README.md * remove requirements2.txt, which only existed for Python 2.x compatibility
Updates * update abutils.cluster.cluster() to use vsearch instead of mmseqs * add read_sequences() function to abutils.io * update abutils.pair.Pair objects to handle TCRs