
Latest version: v0.4.6

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* Disable automatic table suppression by default ([91](
* Add support for multiple aggregation functions ([99](
* Minor code refactor and used mypy to fix types ([97](
* Add lists of flagged table cells to properties ([104](
* Change missing and negative table properties to sums ([104](


* Serialize JSON outcome field as a dictionary instead of string ([88](
* Major code refactor of output storage ([89](
* Add status, type and properties to the output metadata ([89](
* Remove the timestamp from the output naming ([89](
* Remove automatic reloading of existing results ([89](
* Make custom file paths relatve instead of absolute ([89](
* Split statsmodels outputs into multiple csv files ([89](
* Change output field in JSON to a list of file paths ([89](
* Finalise now takes two arguments: path and ext to specify a folder ([89](
* Automatically copy custom outputs to the outputs folder upon finalise ([89](
* Fix a bug attempting to write custom outputs in excel ([89](
* ISO format timestamps ([89](
* Store comments as a list of strings ([89](


* Add missing value handling ([59](
* Add a new line between statsmodel tables when writing csv ([60](
* Fix problems with NaNs in masks ([63](
* Fix loading existing results ([64](


* Add explicit stack level to warnings ([45](
* Separate analytic results from JSON files ([46](
* Add timestamps to the output names and append the new outputs to the existing JSON file ([51](
* Add functionality for users to rename outputs ([52](
* Add functionality to add comments to outputs ([54](
* Add functionality to add currently unsupported outputs ([58](


* Package for PyPI
* Clean tests


* Fix complex table checking

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