Minor fixes to PWMOut: * Added a `deinit()` method to PWMOut to match the CircuitPython PWMOut API, thanks sommersoft https://github.com/adafruit/Adafruit_Blinka/pull/121 * Fixes SysFS PWM `Invalid Argument` error when trying to initialize a new PWMOut object, thanks Groguard. https://github.com/adafruit/Adafruit_Blinka/pull/117
Added Initial Orange Pi R1 Support
initialize more thoroughly when there may be some things already enabled, and clean up better when done.
Beta-quality (but working?) PWM outputs, tested on Coral (3 PWM outputs) based on https://github.com/vsergeev/python-periphery/blob/master/periphery/pwm.py
there is a change in how ligpiod pins are initialized, can now use a tuple to define the gpiochip
Also add a check for windows to not install sysv
To use in CPython, `pip3 install adafruit-blinka`.
Read the [docs](https://learn.adafruit.com/circuitpython-on-raspberrypi-linux) for info on how to use it.