We have upgraded Pylint checks to use the latest version of Pylint and implemented usage of Black Python formatting. This does not change the functionality of the code - it is designed to bring it up to current standards and make it more readable.
* Remove pinned Pylint version number from build.yml file
* Synced `.pylintrc` file to match Adafruit standard
* Ran upgraded Pylint and applied any changes or new disables necessary
* Ran Black formatter and allowed application of changes across entire repo
For more information on using Pylint and Black on your code, check out [this guide on working with Pylint and Black](https://learn.adafruit.com/improve-your-code-with-pylint)
Read the [docs](http://circuitpython.readthedocs.io/projects/cpython/en/latest/) for info on how to use it.