
Latest version: v1.2.23

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To use in CircuitPython, simply install the [Adafruit CircuitPython bundle](

To use in CPython, `pip3 install adafruit-circuitpython-rsa`.

Read the [docs]( for info on how to use it.


We have upgraded Pylint checks to use the latest version of Pylint and implemented usage of Black Python formatting. This does not change the functionality of the code - it is designed to bring it up to current standards and make it more readable.

* Remove pinned Pylint version number from build.yml file
* Synced `.pylintrc` file to match Adafruit standard
* Ran upgraded Pylint and applied any changes or new disables necessary
* Ran Black formatter and allowed application of changes across entire repo

For more information on using Pylint and Black on your code, check out [this guide on working with Pylint and Black](

To use in CircuitPython, simply install the [Adafruit CircuitPython bundle](

To use in CPython, `pip3 install adafruit-circuitpython-rsa`.

Read the [docs]( for info on how to use it.


This release includes:
* Migrating this repository from Travis to GitHub Actions. This has no effect on the behavior of the code itself.

To use in CircuitPython, simply install the [Adafruit CircuitPython bundle](

Read the [docs]( for info on how to use it.


* Adds appropriate `__version__` and `__repo__` strings to `adafruit_rsa/*.py` files for CircuitPython consistency.

* `__version__` string reflecting the [python-rsa]( version in `` commented out.

To use in CircuitPython, simply install the [Adafruit CircuitPython bundle](

Read the [docs]( for info on how to use it.


Fixes extra-zero-append error within ``/`int2bytes` causing invalid RSA signatures.

Adds `util/` folder with script to run on your computer (_not_ the CircuitPython device) to generate public (`rsa_public.pem`) and private(`rsa_private.pem`) key pairs. The script also decodes the generated `rsa_private.pem` into a `PrivateKey` tuple for copy/paste into a `` dict. file on a CircuitPython board.

To use in CircuitPython, simply install the [Adafruit CircuitPython bundle](

Read the [docs]( for info on how to use it.


CircuitPython_RSA` is a port of [Python-RSA, a pure-Python RSA implementation]( to CircuitPython.

**Modifications from Python-RSA**
* Command-line-specific tools have been removed from the library to save space.
* CPython Logging has been replaced with the Adafruit CircuitPython Logger Module.
* Miller–Rabin Primality test algorithm modified to support library's `fast_pow`, CircuitPython's `pow()` does not support modular exponentiation.
* CPython `binascii` and `hashlib` modules replaced with `Adafruit_CircuitPython_binascii` and `Adafruit_CircuitPython_hashlib`

**Support for:**
* RSA Key pair (private/public) generation
* Message encryption and decryption
* Signature creation and verification
* w/SHA-256, SHA-384, SHA-512 (using `Adafruit_CircuitPython_hashlib`, pure-python implementation. SHA-1 and MD5 are currently unsupported.)

Examples are provided for signature creation/verification, keypair generation and encryption/decryption, and a unit-test-like for testing future modifications to this library.

To use in CircuitPython, simply install the [Adafruit CircuitPython bundle](

Read the [docs]( for info on how to use it.

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