This is a patch release with only bug fixes and no new features included. Please see details below.
New Bug Fixes!
Android Renderer Fixes:
1. [[Android][Input.Choice] Spacing within Input.Choice sets not rendered.](
2. [[Android][Render Problem] [Buttons Disappear after clicking an Action.OpenUrl]](
3. [[Adaptive Cards / Platform Discrepancy] Excess spacing in empty text blocks](
4. [[Mobile][Usability] [No Chevron on Action.ShowCards]](
5. [[Mobile][Markdown support] [Markdown with the * does not work on mobile renderers]](
iOS Renderer Fixes:
1. [[iOS][InputField - Keyboard] [Japanese keyboard is not working properly with ACRTextField input field]](
2. [[iOS][ColumnSet] [Auto and stretch columns have the same behaviour]](
3. [[Ios] [Adaptive Cards Input Toggle(CheckBox) display issue in Iphone]](
4. [[Adaptive Cards / Platform Discrepancy] Excess spacing in empty text blocks](
5. [[iOS][Font color - Input Fields] [Font color in ACRTextView gets overwritten]](
6. [[Mobile][Usability] [No Chevron on Action.ShowCards]](
7. [[Mobile][Markdown support] [Markdown with the * does not work on mobile renderers]](
8. [[iOS][Rendering] Crash occurs when ColumnSet has `height: stretch`](
9. [[IOS][Layout] [When put submit button on the right column of the card, it could be cut off]](
UWP Renderer Fixes:
1. [[UWP][Image] [Image doesn't include spacing]](
2. [[UWP] Improve performance of base64 decoding](
3. [[UWP] JSON parsing performance](
4. [[Adaptive Cards / Platform Discrepancy] Excess spacing in empty text blocks](
5. [[Mobile][Markdown support] [Markdown with the * does not work on mobile renderers]](