- Updated path structure, so virtual folders in Azure blobs are created with a
trailing "/", to fix 137
- Converted all references to blob_clients to occur inside a context manager
- Added metadata to blob reads and writes, with {"is_directory": "<true or false>"}
to help resolve ambiguous folder and file discrepancies
- Minor update to assure compatibility with fsspec==0.8.7
- Added error handling to AzureBlobFile finalizer
- Updated AzureBlobFile.close method to execute threadsafe with asyncio
- Added check for leading "?" in sas_token parameter
- Fix for setting loop attribute on newer version of fsspec [197](https://github.com/dask/adlfs/issues/197)
- Converted self.mkdir() to a no-op to align to fsspec issue [562](https://github.com/intake/filesystem_spec/issues/562)
- Fixed errors with pyarrow write_dataset method related to pseudo-directories in [*171](https://github.com/dask/adlfs/issues/171).
- Fixed race conditions with finalizer on AzureBlobFile object
- Pinned fsspec to 0.8.7 to respect this change in async