
Latest version: v1.22.0

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This provides better support for ad requests for multiple ad-units.


add copy function


add coupon api


Add new creativepreview and livepreview endpoints


- Allow specification of a URL including a port in the advertising and data server clients
- Prevent resolve to IP being called for an unsupported https address


<b> Rename variables to comply with PEP8 Function and Variable Names: </b>
- The following api variables have been converted to use underscores as a word separator: adunits, adunittags, allocationreport, availablecurrencies, apikeys, axproduct, burnrates, currencyconversion categoriesupload, cdnassets, contextserviceconfigurations customeventtypes, dataexport, dataview, deliveryestimate earningsaccounts, emailtranslations, externaladunits externaldemandsources, fieldmappings, impactreport, keyvalues keyvaluesupload, layoutincludes, lineitems, lineitemreviews messagedefinitions, networkforecast, networkprofiles networktemplates, notificationpreferences, reachestimate reportschedules, reporttemplates, segmentsupload segmentsusersupload, sitegroups, targetingstats, locationstats userprofiles, zippedassets, visitorprofilefields
- The following DataServer parameters have been converted to use underscores: userId and sync

<b> Improvements: </b>
- New bypass load balancing mode to send http or https requests to a particular IP.
- Set ergonomic defaults for the AdServer and DataServer addresses, but allow urls and ports to be overridden for testing.

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