- Re-designed the API of :py:mod:`adtk.visualization.plot`
- Removed :py:mod:`adtk.data.resample` because its functionality is highly overlapped with pandas resampler module
- Made :py:mod:`adtk.data.expand_events` accept events in the form of pandas Series/DataFrame
- Made :py:mod:`adtk.data.expand_events` accept time delta in the form of `str` or `int`
- Changed the output type of :py:mod:`adtk.data.split_train_test` from a 2-tuple of lists to a list of 2-tuples
- Turned the following model parameters required from optional
- `window` in :py:mod:`adtk.detector.LevelShiftAD`
- `window` in :py:mod:`adtk.detector.VolatilityShiftAD`
- `window` in :py:mod:`adtk.transformer.RollingAggregate`
- `window` in :py:mod:`adtk.transformer.DoubleRollingAggregate`
- `model` in :py:mod:`adtk.detector.MinClusterDetector`
- `model` in :py:mod:`adtk.detector.OutlierDetector`
- `target` and `regressor` in :py:mod:`adtk.detector.RegressionAD`
- `target` and `regressor` in :py:mod:`adtk.transformer.RegressionResidual`
- `aggregate_func` in :py:mod:`adtk.aggregator.CustomizedAggregator`
- `detect_func` in :py:mod:`adtk.detector.CustomizedDetector1D`
- `detect_func` in :py:mod:`adtk.detector.CustomizedDetectorHD`
- `transform_func` in :py:mod:`adtk.transformer.CustomizedTransformer1D`
- `transform_func` in :py:mod:`adtk.detector.CustomizedTransformer1D`
- `steps` in :py:mod:`adtk.pipe.Pipeline`
- Added consistency check between training and testing inputs in multivariate models
- Improved time index check in time-dependent models
- Turned all second-order sub-modules private, and a user now can only import from the following first-order modules
- :py:mod:`adtk.detector`
- :py:mod:`adtk.transformer`
- :py:mod:`adtk.aggregator`
- :py:mod:`adtk.pipe`
- :py:mod:`adtk.data`
- :py:mod:`adtk.metrics`
- :py:mod:`adtk.visualization`
- Refactored the inheritance structure of model components (see :ref:`inheritance`)
- Added Python 3.8 support
- Fixed compatibility issues with statsmodels v0.11
- Fixed compatibility issues with pandas v1.0
- Created an interactive demo notebook in Binder
- Added type hints, and added type checking in CI/CD test
- Added `Black` and `isort` to developer requirement and CI/CD check
- Optimized release process by publishing package to PyPI through GitHub Actions
- Improved docstrings and API documentation
- Fixed many minor bugs and typos