
Latest version: v1.19.1

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This release of ART 1.3.3 provides updates to ART 1.3.


- Added support for rectangular images and videos (with square and rectangular frames) to the attacks in `art.attacks.evasion.adversarial_patch.AdversarialPatch`. The framework-independent implementation `AdversarialPatchNumpy` supports videos of shape `NFCHW` or `NFHWC` and the framework-specific implementation for TensorFlow v2 `AdversarialPatchTensorFlowV2` supports videos of shape `NFHWC`. For video data the same patch will be located at the same position on all frames. (567)
- Added a warning to `ShadowAttack` to inform users that this implementation currently only works on a single sample in a batch size of one. (556)


- The `Dockerfile` will now automatically check if `requirements.txt` contains newer versions of the dependencies.
- Changed the CLEVER metric `art.metric.clever_t` to only calculate required class gradients which results in a speed up of a factor of ~4. (539)
- Changed the metric `art.metrics.wasserstein_distance` to automatically flatten the weights of the two inputs. (545)
- Changed `art.attacks.evasion.SquareAttack` to use model predictions if true labels are not provided to method `generate` to follow the convention of the other attacks in ART. (537)




- Fixed method `set_params` in `art.attacks.evasion.projected_gradient_descent.ProjectedGradientDescent` to correctly update the attributes of the parent class. The attributes of the actual attack implementation have been set correctly before this fix. (560)


Not secure
This release of ART 1.3.2 provides updates to ART 1.3.1.


- Added verbose parameter for `CarliniL2Method`, `CarliniLInfMethod`, and `DeepFool` attacks to disable progress bars.


- Changed the `Wasserstein` attack to support rectangular images as input (527)
- Changed `UniversalPerturbation` attack to use true labels if provided in internal attacks (526)
- Allow `None` as input for parameter `preprocessing of estimators (493)
- Allow `eps` to be larger than `eps_step` in `ProjectedGradientDescent` attacks if norm is not `np.inf` (495)




- Fixed import path for `ProjectedGradientDescend` option in `UniversalPerturbation` attack (525)
- Fixed support for arrays as `clip_values` in `ProjectedGradientDescentPyTorch` attack for PyTorch (521)
- Fixed success criteria for targeted attacks with `AutoProjectedGradientDescend` (513)
- Fixed success criteria for attacks used in `AutoAttack` (508)
- Fixed example for Fast-is-better-than-Free adversarial training (506)
- Fixed dtype in `AutoProjectedGradientDescent` and `SquareAttack` for testing output type of estimator (499)
- Fixed parameters in `_augment_images_with_patch` calls of attack `DPatch` (493)


Not secure
This release of ART 1.3.1 provides updates to ART 1.3.0.




- Changed the method `fit` of the deep-learning classifiers `KerasClassifier`, `TensorFlowClassifier`, `TensorFlowV2Classifier`, `PyTorchClassifier`, and `MXClassifier` in `art.estimators.classification` to support index labels in addition to one-hot-encoded labels. (479)
- Changed the preprocessing defence `art.defences.preprocessing.Mp3Compression` to support input in format `np.float32` in addition to `np.int16` and updated related notebooks. (482)




- Fixed `art.attacks.evasion.DeepFool` to correctly apply the over-shoot step, previously the over-shoot vector was alwasy zero independent of `epsilon`. (476)
- Fixed method `set_params` for attacks with multiple framework-specific implementations (`art.attacks.evasion.AdversarialPatch`, and `art.attacks.evasion.ProjectedGradientDescent`) to set attributes correctly and updated related notebooks, previously these set attributes would have been ignored by the attack. (481)


Not secure
This release of ART v1.3.0 is extending ART to a library for machine learning security covering Evasion, Poisoning, Extraction and Inference. The Inference module is a new addition and includes implementations of attribute inference and model inversion attacks. A new Estimator API has been implemented and extends ART 1.3.0 from a library for classification tasks towards a library supporting all possible machine learning tasks including object detection. Multiple state-of-the-art attacks and defenses have been implemented. The READMEs have been redesigned and new Wiki pages have been created.


- Added a new Estimator API `art.estimators` to abstract machine learning models in ART. It is replacing the previous Classifier API `art.classifiers`. The new Estimators API is flexible and extensible to support all possible machine learning tasks. The estimator API currently contains implementations for classification, object detection, certification, encoding, generation models. (350)
- Added a framework-specific and model-specific estimator implementation for PyTorch FasterRCNN (torchvision.model.detection.fasterrcnn_resnet50_fpn` as first object detector estimator. All object detector estimators currently support DPatch, ProjectedGradientDescent, BasicIterativeMethod, and FastGradientMethod evasion attacks. (350)
- Add a new type of attacks with Inference in `art.attacks.inference` and first implementations of Attribute Inference and Model Inversion attacks (439, 428)
- Added progress bars using `tqdm` to all attacks and defenses to provide information about progress to the user. (447)
- Added install options to `` for frameworks and complete installs. So far ART only installed general non-framework dependencies. This update provides complete install for options all, tensorflow, pytorch, keras, mxnet, xgboost, lightgm, catboost, gpy, and docs. (446)
- Added dependabot.yml to use GitHub’s Dependabot to propose updates to ART’s dependencies. (449)
- Added AutoAttack as a new evasion attack. AutoAttack applies a group of white- and back-box attacks (default: AutoPGD with cross-entropy and with difference-logits-ratio loss, SquareAttack, DeepFool) and is an attack approach that achieves state-of-the-art performance in defense evaluations. (400)
- Added Auto Projected Gradient Descent (AutoPGD) as a new evasion attack. AutoPGD adapts its step size to guarantee increasing loss in each step. (400)
- Added SquareAttack as a new evasion attack. SquareAttack is a black-box attack based on random search and achieves white-box performance. (400)
- Added ShadowAttack as new evasion attack. ShadowAttack creates large, but naturally looking perturbations that can to spoof certificates of classifiers certified for example by Randomised Smoothing. (409)
- Added Wasserstein Attack as a new evasion attack. Wasserstein Attack generates adversarial examples with minimized Wasserstein distances which allow large Lp perturbations in still naturally looking examples. (422)
- Added DefenceGAN and InverseGAN as new preprocessor defenses. These defenses are based on Generative Adversarial Networks to remove adversarial perturbations. (411)
- Added the adversarial training protocol Fast Is Better Than Free as a trainer defense for PyTorch models. The Fast Is Better Than Free protocol allows very fast training of adversarially robust models. (435)
- Added H.264/MPEG-4 AVC video compression as preprocessor defense. This defense attempts to remove adversarial perturbations with compression of video data. (438)
- Added Feature Collision Clean Label attack as a new poisoning attack for KerasClassifier. This attack allows poisoning the training of a model without modifying the training labels just by adding a modified training example. (389)
- Added support for custom loss gradients at any layer of neural network in KerasClassifier. This method allows very sophisticated loss functions to create adversarial examples that imitate the feature representation of benign samples at any layer of the neural networks. Support of this method will be extended to other frameworks in future releases. (389)
- Added framework-specific implementations of ProjectedGradientDescent (PGD) evasion attack for TensorFlow v2 and PyTorch. It follows a new concept in ART where an attack implementation based on Numpy, if available, is compatible with all frameworks and framework-specific implementations can be added that take full advantage of a certain framework and only must support ART estimators for this framework. This enables ART to provide attack implementations that run as fast and accurate as possible and it will facilitate integration of original implementations by the attacks’ creators without the need to translate them into implementations based on Numpy. (390)
- Added utilities for deprecation of methods and arguments. (421)
- Added new metric for Wasserstein distance. (410)
- Added the Spectral Signature Defense as a new detector defense against poisoning. This defense uses spectral signatures to detect and defeat backdoor attacks. (398)
- Added Mp3 compression as a new preprocessor defense. This defense attempts to remove adversarial perturbations in audio data using MP3 compression. (391)
- Added resampling as a new preprocessor defense. This defense attempts to remove adversarial perturbations in audio data by resampling the data. (397)
- Added Feature Adversaries attack as a new evasion attack. This attack generates adversarial examples that minimize the difference in feature representation to a benign sample at a certain layer of a neural networks. (364)
- Added DPatch as new evasion attack against object detectors. This attack creates digital patches that draw the attention of object detectors to the patch area to prevent the detection of object outside of the patched area. (362)
- Added a new Docker image providing installations of all machine learning frameworks supported by ART and the dependencies of ART. (386)
- Added a new method to check a model for obfuscated/vanishing/masked gradients. (376)
- Added a framework-specific implementation of the AdversarialPatch physical evasion attack for TensorFlow v2. This implementation provides more accurate loss gradients than the Numpy implementation. (357)
- Added Frame Saliency Attack as a new evasion attack. This attack creates adversarial examples with sparse and imperceptible perturbations, primarily intended for video data. (358)
- Added Python typing to all source files of ART and a mypy check to all Travis CI runs. (425)


- Extended notebooks demonstrating attacks and defenses with audio and video data. (463)
- Changed `KerasClassifier` to accept wildcards in the models input shape. (458)
- Deactivated the gradients computation during model evaluation in `PyTorchClassifier.predict` which accelerates the prediction by a factor of ~2 or more. (452)
- Changed `art.defence.detector.poison.ActivationDefence` to also support data provided with `art.data_generators` to support datasets larger than the available memory. (442)
- Changed default value of `apply_predict` for `art.defences.preprocessor.JpegCompression` to True to apply it during prediction by default. (440)
- Removed smoothing factor in tanh to original transformation in `CarliniL2Method` and `CarliniLInfMethod` attacks to prevent input values that are extremely close to either of the clip values to be transformed to values outside of the clip values. (428)
- Changed `art.defences.preprocessor.SpatialSmoothing` preprocessor defense to support video data. (415)
- Changed `art.defences.preprocessor.JpegCompression` preprocessor defense to support video data. (412)
- Changed copyright notice to “The Adversarial Robustness Toolbox (ART) Authors” and listed original copyright holders in new file AUTHORS. (406)
- Changed internal format of `clip_values` from tuple of `int` or `float` to `numpy.nadarray` with `dtpye=np.float32`. (392)
- Moved poison detection defences to new module `art.defences.detector.poison`. (399)
- Moved Randomized Smoothing from wrapper `art.wrappers` to new estimators in module `art.estimators.certification` for TensorFlow and PyTorch and removed `art.wrappers.RandomizedSmoothing`. (409)


- Deprecated argument `channel_index` of `art.classifiers` and replaced it with argument `channels_first` in `art.estimators`. The new argument `channels_first` follows usage in the frameworks to describe as a Boolean if the channels dimension is the first or last dimension of a sample. The argument `channel_index` will be removed after ART 1.4. (429)


- Fixed several bugs in `ThermometerEncoding` preprocessor defense, implementing the correct forward pass and implemented `estimate_gradients` to provide gradients in the original space instead of the discretized/encoded space. (467, 468)
- Fixed bug in Boundary Attack to ensure that the adversarial example is projected back to the sphere in each iteration. (426)
- Fixed memory leak in `KerasClassifier.get_activations` by reusing the Keras function calculating the activations. (417)
- Fixed RGB-BGR conversion bug in Boundary attack notebook. (402)
- Fixed bug in `ActivationDefence` for RGB images. (388)
- Fixed bug in `PixelAttack` and `ThresholdAttack` to now return the benign image if no adversarial example has been found. (384)


Not secure
This release of ART v1.2.0 introduces new APIs and implementations of model transforming, model training and output post-processing defences, along with new APIs and implementations of poisoning attacks and new implementations of evasion and extraction attacks. Furthermore, ART now also supports Pandas Dataframe as input to its classifier and attack methods.


- Added support for Pandas Dataframe as input to Classifiers and Attacks in addition to numpy.ndarray enabling defences and attacks on models expecting dataframes as input (244)
- Started a collection of notebooks of adversarial robustness evaluations by adding the evaluation of the EMPIR defence (319)
- Added an example notebook for adversarial attacks on video data classification (321)
- Added an example notebook for adversarial attacks on audio data classification (271)
- Added Backdoor Poisoning Attack (292)
- Added new API for Transformer defences (293)
- Added Defensive Distillation as a transformation defence (293)
- Added new API for Trainer defences ()
- Added Madry's Protocol for adversarial training as training defence (294)
- Added new API for Postprocessor defences (267)
- Added KnockoffNets as extraction attack (230)
- Added Few Pixel Attack as evasion attack (280)
- Added Threshold Attack as evasion attack (281)
- Added option for random epsilon as parameter to the projected gradient descent attack which selects the epsilon from a truncated normal distribution ranging [0, eps] with sigma of eps/2 (257)


- Started to refactor the unittests. The tests of `KerasClassifier`, `TensorFlowClassifier`, `TensorFlowV2Classifier`, `Boundary attack` and `Fast Gradient Method` have been moved to the new testing system based on pytest with the other tests planned to follow in future releases. (270)
- `Boundary` and `HopSkipJump` attack work now with non-square images (288)
- Applied Black style formatting
- `PyTorchClassifier` now allows the user to select a specific GPU (290)
- The classifiers now accept soft-labels (probabilities) as input in their `fit` methods in addition to hard-labels (one-hot encoded or index labels) (251)
- Integrated the post-processing defences into the classifiers following the pre-processing defences (267)
- Run unittests with TensorFlow everywhere in v2 mode instead of compatibility mode (264)
- Updated Poisoning attack API (305)
- Increased definitions of test requirements (302)


- Removed implementations of post-processing defences as classifier wrappers (267)


- Improved the logging of unitttests (227)
- Updated method `fit_generator` in all neural network classifiers (323)


Not secure
This release of ART v1.1.1 fixes two bugs in `TensorFlowV2Classifier` and `KerasClassifier`.








- Fixed a bug in `TensorFlowV2Classifier` resulting in incorrect loss calculation for loss_gradients except for `tensorflow.keras.losses.SparseCategoricalCrossentropy`. (279)
- Fixed a bug in `KerasClassifier` that allowed predicting the model with wrong input data shapes without raising any exceptions. We have now added checks for input data shape or are using the model's predict method where possible. This bug did not affect any classifier evaluated with the correct input data shape expected by the model. (283)

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