- [ci] updates and maintenance on several CI services:
- added LGTM.com (Semmle) analyze-on-Pull-Request support
- removed Codacy check
- set up Azure Pipeline with Mac, Windows, and Linux testing
- [tests] Add filtering for fontTools `DeprecationWarnings`
- [tx] Add descriptions of optimization options (`tx -cff` help)
- [tx] Fix handling of blend options
- [fdkutils] Improve shell command handling, increase test coverage
- [comparefamily] Trim `agd.py` to only parts needed to keep
`comparefamily` running
- [tx tests] Improved tests
- [fdkutils] Add TTC support
- [tx] Add variable font support to ttread
- [tx] A whole bunch of improvements and fixes
- [makeotfexe] Fix memory consumption issue
- [makeotfexe] Import fealib tests (thanks khaledhosny!)
- [makeinstancesufo] Fix potential issue with temp files
- [otc2otf] Rewrite, fix `-t` option, increase test coverage
- [python][c] Numerous fixes for LGTM-reported issues
- [makeotf] Fix path issue in Mac OS X 10.15 Catalina
- [requirements] Relax pinning
- [fea-spec]
- Fix example for mark glyph positioning (thanks anthrotype!)
- Improve formatting and grammar (thanks sergeresko!)
- [otf2ttf] Enhance for Collections, parallel processing, and file wildcards (thanks msoxzw!)
- [makeotfexe] Increase code coverage (thanks khaledhosny!)
- [docs] update documentation of hex format for GlyphOrderAndAliasDB, multiple Unicodes (thanks benkiel!)
- [makeotfexe] fix calculation of OS/2.ulCodePageRange bits
- [dependencies] Update `psautohint` and `fontTools` to latest