++++++++++++++++++ - Verification added for zipcode value - Test added for assert on the raise
++++++++++++++++++ - Change the dates in 'HISTORY.rst' to the correct month - Library also returns a list for multiple dates highlighted on the webpage
++++++++++++++++++ - Improving the python packaging, following: `Python packaging <https://python-packaging.readthedocs.io>`__
++++++++++++++++++ - Fixed rst issues; now showing correct html on pypi - learned about ``python setup.py checkdocs``; require *pygments* and *collective.checkdocs*
++++++++++++++++++ - Changing the way of working with '__version__' - Changed versioning scheme - Removed the datetime dependency - Rewritten parts and tests to work with python 2.7 and 3.4+ - Rewritten Markdown to restructured text
++++++++++++++++ - Status Beta - Versioning in sync, setup reads it from the program - History (this file) added - Property decorators instead of traditional getters - README improved