New Features
- **Devid Agent**: A new AI Software Development agent has been added to the framework.
- **Local Import of Agent Source Code Files**: The command `agency-swarm import-agent` has been introduced, enabling the local copying of your agent's source files. This feature grants you complete control over your systems. Additionally, Genesis agency has integrated the use of this command.
- **Enhanced Command Instructions**: Enhancements have been made to the `get_completion` methods, allowing the passing of additional instructions. Agents can now communicate more effectively with each other by utilizing this new parameter.
- **Customizable Response Validators**: Agents now have the capability to override special response validator methods within their class definitions. If these methods return an error, the corresponding error message will be forwarded as a user message, facilitating automatic reprompting of your agents.
- **Concurrency Control for Tool Access**: To prevent simultaneous multiple calls to certain tools by your agents, a new class attribute `one_call_at_a_time: bool = False` has been introduced in the `BaseTool` classes. If set to True, your agent can't call this tool multiple times in a single message.
Bug Fixes
- **General Stability Enhancements**: Significant improvements have been made to mitigate various OpenAI-related errors, enhancing the robustness and reliability of the system.
- **Fixed non existing agents in settings**: Now, rather than rasiing errors for deleted agents in your settings file, the system will automatically create a new one.
- **Fixes in Demo Interfaces**: Issues with demo interfaces, including Gradio and terminal demos not displaying messages sent to other assistants, have been resolved, ensuring a smoother user experience.
**For the complete list of changes, please visit the full changelog**: [View Changelog](