What's Changed
* Adds the pypechain package for generating typed objects from contract ABI JSON files
* Adds wheels to install pyperdrive, the python-wrapped hyperdrive-rust API
* Adds HyperdriveInterface API for easier coordination of bot trades
* Bots can load previously utilized wallets on boot, allowing for restarts
* Dashboard refactor -- new plots; speed improvements; robustness improvements
* Moved docs to readthedocs from vercel
* Improved crash reporting & handling
* Improved database interface to add an API server that supports queries from outside users
* Adds an arb bot & (temporarily) removes smart long and short bots
* tons of bugfixes & code refactors to support user and dev experiences
* Create MVP Pypechain lib by sentilesdal in https://github.com/delvtech/elf-simulations/pull/840
* ignore top level .configs by sentilesdal in https://github.com/delvtech/elf-simulations/pull/841
* Update pyproject.toml to ignore the .venv directory when linting by sentilesdal in https://github.com/delvtech/elf-simulations/pull/842
* Using local postgres for pytest by slundqui in https://github.com/delvtech/elf-simulations/pull/843
* adds the pyperdrive wheel by dpaiton in https://github.com/delvtech/elf-simulations/pull/835
* Getting most recent block in acquire_data by slundqui in https://github.com/delvtech/elf-simulations/pull/845
* Analysis stage by slundqui in https://github.com/delvtech/elf-simulations/pull/844
* Analysis hotfix by slundqui in https://github.com/delvtech/elf-simulations/pull/848
* New dashboard page and plots by slundqui in https://github.com/delvtech/elf-simulations/pull/849
* add pyperdrive package to gh workflow by dpaiton in https://github.com/delvtech/elf-simulations/pull/846
* hotfix for pyperdrive install by dpaiton in https://github.com/delvtech/elf-simulations/pull/852
* Generate Python types for all internal Solidity contract types. by sentilesdal in https://github.com/delvtech/elf-simulations/pull/847
* pypechain: use fstrings by wakamex in https://github.com/delvtech/elf-simulations/pull/853
* fix: save old balance before update (associated linting) by wakamex in https://github.com/delvtech/elf-simulations/pull/860
* fix: save old balance before update (functional change) by wakamex in https://github.com/delvtech/elf-simulations/pull/859
* pypechain: code reuse with stringify_parameters by wakamex in https://github.com/delvtech/elf-simulations/pull/854
* Fixing plots to share x axis by slundqui in https://github.com/delvtech/elf-simulations/pull/855
* adds pyperdrive build wheels by dpaiton in https://github.com/delvtech/elf-simulations/pull/862
* Using readthedocs for doc building by slundqui in https://github.com/delvtech/elf-simulations/pull/865
* Fixing postgres fixture by slundqui in https://github.com/delvtech/elf-simulations/pull/866
* fix random agent withdraw shares by wakamex in https://github.com/delvtech/elf-simulations/pull/868
* Fixing an issue with passing in string in exp notation to fixedpoint by slundqui in https://github.com/delvtech/elf-simulations/pull/871
* Using loopback interface instead of localhost by slundqui in https://github.com/delvtech/elf-simulations/pull/873
* Updating required docker setting under install.md for tests. Updating… by slundqui in https://github.com/delvtech/elf-simulations/pull/874
* Updating docs by slundqui in https://github.com/delvtech/elf-simulations/pull/875
* Add events to ContractTypes.py by sentilesdal in https://github.com/delvtech/elf-simulations/pull/876
* Explicitly closing figures by slundqui in https://github.com/delvtech/elf-simulations/pull/878
* override variables in load_dotenv by wakamex in https://github.com/delvtech/elf-simulations/pull/884
* pypechain: code reuse with format_code and write_code by wakamex in https://github.com/delvtech/elf-simulations/pull/861
* consistent naming of URIs by dpaiton in https://github.com/delvtech/elf-simulations/pull/890
* Streamlit performance optimizations by slundqui in https://github.com/delvtech/elf-simulations/pull/880
* pypechain support for functions with multiple signatures by dpaiton in https://github.com/delvtech/elf-simulations/pull/893
* Get wallet state from db by slundqui in https://github.com/delvtech/elf-simulations/pull/894
* add hyperdrive types by dpaiton in https://github.com/delvtech/elf-simulations/pull/888
* add a hyperdrive api by dpaiton in https://github.com/delvtech/elf-simulations/pull/870
* Fix Event Params and conditional imports by sentilesdal in https://github.com/delvtech/elf-simulations/pull/898
* Fixing a bug with default flask host and port by slundqui in https://github.com/delvtech/elf-simulations/pull/900
* Fixing a bug with maturitytime type by slundqui in https://github.com/delvtech/elf-simulations/pull/901
* fixes codegen_test to auto-remove temp dirs by dpaiton in https://github.com/delvtech/elf-simulations/pull/903
* update to current hyperdrive abi by dpaiton in https://github.com/delvtech/elf-simulations/pull/867
* Fixing race condition for analysis by slundqui in https://github.com/delvtech/elf-simulations/pull/906
* extract functional code from fixture by wakamex in https://github.com/delvtech/elf-simulations/pull/879
* replace elfpy market with ethpy HyperdriveInterface by dpaiton in https://github.com/delvtech/elf-simulations/pull/909
* Removing develop mode from example bots scripts by slundqui in https://github.com/delvtech/elf-simulations/pull/922
* Host parameter in example scripts by slundqui in https://github.com/delvtech/elf-simulations/pull/908
* Arbitrage policy by slundqui in https://github.com/delvtech/elf-simulations/pull/925
* Fixing typo in random bots policy by slundqui in https://github.com/delvtech/elf-simulations/pull/926
* add a spot price and fixed rate HyperdriveInterface api test by dpaiton in https://github.com/delvtech/elf-simulations/pull/928
* wrap json in StringIO so pandas doesn't complain by wakamex in https://github.com/delvtech/elf-simulations/pull/930
* Anaylsis batch hotfix by slundqui in https://github.com/delvtech/elf-simulations/pull/931
* Arb bot hotfix by slundqui in https://github.com/delvtech/elf-simulations/pull/932
* api hotfix for updating cache by dpaiton in https://github.com/delvtech/elf-simulations/pull/934
* Adding in which policy the agent is running when logging trades by slundqui in https://github.com/delvtech/elf-simulations/pull/935
* Crash reporting, detailed logging of agent0 trades, and async trades from single agent by slundqui in https://github.com/delvtech/elf-simulations/pull/937
* Update to support Hyperdrive 0.0.14 by dpaiton in https://github.com/delvtech/elf-simulations/pull/936
* Fixing spot price calculation based on hyperdrive 0.14 by slundqui in https://github.com/delvtech/elf-simulations/pull/941
* bump project version; prune authors by dpaiton in https://github.com/delvtech/elf-simulations/pull/863
**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/delvtech/elf-simulations/compare/v0.5.0...v0.6.0