What's Changed
* Feat - Introduce asyncio futures to enable concurrent image building by aybruhm in https://github.com/Agenta-AI/agenta/pull/290
* Format Python code with psf/black push by github-actions in https://github.com/Agenta-AI/agenta/pull/305
* Add new "Run all" button in the playground by bekossy in https://github.com/Agenta-AI/agenta/pull/288
* docs: add bekossy as a contributor for code by allcontributors in https://github.com/Agenta-AI/agenta/pull/307
* docs: add suadsuljovic as a contributor for mentoring, and review by allcontributors in https://github.com/Agenta-AI/agenta/pull/306
* Chat models by SohaibAnwaar in https://github.com/Agenta-AI/agenta/pull/292
* docs: add witehound as a contributor for design, and code by allcontributors in https://github.com/Agenta-AI/agenta/pull/308
**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/Agenta-AI/agenta/compare/v0.1.23...v0.1.24