**Introducing Agently 3.0 - An AI Agent Native Development Framework**
Agently is a development framework that helps developers build AI agent native application really fast.
You can use and build AI agent in your code in an extremely simple way.
You can create an AI agent instance then interact with it like calling a function in very few codes.
In AI agent native application, we put an AI agent instance into our code, then we ask it to execute / to solve the problem with natural language or natural-language-like expressions.
"Ask-Get Response" takes place of traditional "Define Problem - Programme - Code to Make It Happen".
[Visit this link](https://github.com/Maplemx/Agently/blob/main/docs/guidebook/introduction.ipynb), it is a colab document, you can run code demos online and see how easy develop using agent can be done.
Also, Agently 3.0 re-design the plugins mechanism that brings better support for plugin developers to participate plugin development contribution.
[Click here](https://github.com/Maplemx/Agently/tree/main/src/plugins) to read plugin code in framework as examples to see how easy to develop plugins especially agent component plugins.
If you like our work, please star [our project](https://github.com/Maplemx/Agently).
Bug Fixed:
1. Fixed when try to fix JSON format in workflow, process sometimes report Error: can not find Type 'customize'; https://github.com/Maplemx/Agently/issues/23
2. Fixed a bug when request XunFei Spark model, the result is None; https://github.com/Maplemx/Agently/issues/20