Fixed - Fixed bug for `simulation.init_agents` when creating group parameters for agents.
Security - N/A
Added - N/A
Changed - N/A
Deprecated - N/A
Removed - Remove `Agent._uuid`
Fixed - Fixed issue with `EconomyClient.update` when handling InstitutionAgent updates. - Fixed bug for `MobilityBlock.MoveBlock.forward`. - Added adjustment logic to ensure the sum of the returned employee counts exactly equals N in matching firms and employees.
Security - N/A
Added - N/A
Changed - N/A
Deprecated - N/A
Removed - N/A
Fixed - Fix typo in quick start docs.
Security - N/A
Added - N/A
Changed - Change the download URL for `agentsociety-sim` to a publicly accessible address that does not require authentication in ``.
Deprecated - N/A
Removed - N/A
Fixed - Missed match between the dictionary and `economyv2.Firm` as input arguments in the `EconomyClient.update` method.
Security - N/A
Added - Add docker compose for china user (use huawei cloud docker registry)
Changed - N/A
Deprecated - N/A
Removed - N/A
Fixed - Definition bug of `EconomyEntityType`
Security - N/A
Added - N/A
Changed - Update `pycityproto` version to v2.2.8, splitting organization into bank, firm, government and statistical bureau. - Adapt `environment.economy` to align with the new definitions of economic entities.