
Latest version: v104.1.0

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Fix interoperability with Python 3.5.3

The error "TypeError: 'ContextAttribute' object is not callable" would
occur when using the AllegroGraph Python client with Python 3.5.3.
This has been fixed.

Raise error when attemping to federate certain sessions

A session started by AllegroGraphServer.openSession() cannot
be federated because this type of session may not be for a
single repository and may in fact already be a session over
a federation of repositories. To federate repositories
pass a set of Repository.getConnection() objects.
With this change an exception will be raised when attempting to
federate a RepositoryConnection created by AllegroGraphServer.openSession().


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Non-RDF document import

JSON and CSV documents can be imported into AllegroGraph using
the new 'transform' service introduced in AG 6.5.0. This can
now be accessed from the Python client by calling the
``addDocumentFile()`` method of the connection object.
Document data from strings or Python dictionaries can be added
with ``addDocumentData()``.

Update dependencies which have security vulnerabilities

Bumped urllib3 from 1.22 to 1.23 and requests from 2.18.4 to 2.20.0
according to recommendations made by Github.

Ensure sessions are closed properly

Sessions created via the ``openFederation()`` or ``openSession()``
methods of franz.openrdf.sail.allegrographserver.AllegroGraphServer
were not closed when ``close()`` was called on the resulting
connection. This has been fixed.


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JSON-LD support

A new RDF format (`RDFFormat.JSONLD`) has been added. When importing
documents from strings or files it is now possible to specify
a few JSON-LD specific arguments:

- `json_ld_context`: a JSON object defining the mapping between
JSON-LD terms and triples.
- `json_ld_store_source`: a flag that can be used to persist
the whole input document in a single triple.
- `allow_external_references` a flag that must be explicitly
set to True to allow the JSON-LD importer to retrieve
external resources referenced in the input document or in
the `json_ld_context` argument.
- `external_reference_timeout`: HTTP timeout that will be
used by the server when retrieving external resources.

In addition the `addData()` method can import a JSON-LD document
in the form of a dictionary.

URI object changes

URI objects are now canonicalized by default. This means that
two equal URIs are guaranteed to be the same object. This behavior
can be disabled by passing `canonical=False` when creating a URI.

URI objects no longer carry an attribute dictionary. This means
it is no longer possible to add arbitrary fields to an URI object.

rfe15690: warmup support

Add `RepositoryConnection.warmup()` to allow the user to
warm up the string table and/or indices.

User data access

AllegroGraph allows each user to store arbitrary key-value data
on the server. This storage can now be accessed from Python by
using new ``AllegroGraphServer`` methods:

- ``listUserData()``
- ``getUserData()``
- ``setUserData()``
- ``deleteUserData()``


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Pandas support

It is now possible to turn a query result into a Pandas DataFrame
by calling the ``toPandas()`` method of the result object. Note that
Pandas must be installed separately for this to work.



bug25281: Proxy settings are ignored
Proxy settings used to be ignored when the requests backend was used.
This has been corrected.

Thanks to Iván Darío Ramos Vacca for reporting the bug and providing
a fix.


Not secure

A bugfix release that adds some missing dependencies that are needed
when using Python < 3.5.

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