
Latest version: v1.0.3

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- Improved era.str2spec()
- Added sci.get_corr() to get the Pearsonr correlation
- Optimized sci.get_c()
- Added option to remove drawedges on color bar
- Added input to vis.plot_functions() to allow changes to xinterval and whether to show minor date ticks
- Modified when and which data stipples are drawn from vis.plot_map()
- Added histogram functionality to plot_line()
- Modified how legend takes inputs
- Added normalization to histograms
- Changed vis.set_figsize() defaults
- Added handling for days less than one day for set_date_ticks()
- Added drawedges input for set_color_bar()
- Added ext.glob() which gets all the filenames and sorts them for a given wildcard filename


- pre.read_csv() now takes additional arguments and can merge date and time columns to return datetime index
- Major revamp to size, length, and width scaling and default sizes
- New dpi input to vis.functions(); new default is 175 dpi
- Slowly deprecating the vis.DEFAULT dict
- Color bar tick marks will now never extend past the color bars due to newly discovered input
- New grid styles for vis.plot_functions()
- Revamped vis.set_figtext() and vis.set_axtext() with additional available locations
- Added smart function to figure out the location keywords
- Bug fix with year locator and fixes to some docstrings
- Added tight_layout input to vis.utils()
- Added sci.get_c() using Pythagorean Theorem
- Changed how sci.get_stats() returned str looks
- vis.plot_functions() now can accept only one input
- vis.plot_functions() prettily plot date ticks now


- Added vis.set_inherited() to inherit inputs when overlaying two plots
- Removed useless input from vis.set_major_tick_labels()
- Made legend size larger
- Bugfix with vis.plot_bar() with text hist input
- Updated examples


- Added new functionality to era.time2dt() to combine year/month/day/hour/min/sec into one arr
- Removed pre.ncdump() since pre.peek_nc() was essentially the same and improved on it
- Added new pre.read_csv() where it reads a time series csv and tries to create a datetme index
- Dropped cartopy imports under specific vis.functions() so that vis package is more accessible
- Completely dropped vis.plot() with vis.plot_line/bar/scatter() replacing it.
- Renamed inputs in vis.plot_map()
- Added default close into vis.functions() to close axes after saving
- Shifted vis.annotate_point() xytext offset to (0, 0) and horizontal alignment to left
- Modified figsize logic to have a base figsize
- Adjusted default size for text in vis.set_colorbar()/vis.set_latlons()/vis.set_major_tick_labels
- Added more inputs into vis.utils()
- Updated and implemented new examples


- Fixed bugs with twinx in vis.plot_line/bar/scatter()
- Added a sketch with data derived from Fitbit
- Added new era.dt2num() used to convert datetimes into matplotlib workable values


- Added sci.sind/cosd/tand/asind/acosd/atand() that evaluates/returns degrees
- Added potential fix to known issues

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