What's Changed * add pre-commit by spyoungtech in https://github.com/spyoungtech/ahk/pull/128 * Code style pre-commit hooks by spyoungtech in https://github.com/spyoungtech/ahk/pull/129 * Implement win_wait and make win_get consistent with find_window by spyoungtech in https://github.com/spyoungtech/ahk/pull/149 * Add UTF-8 codepage explicitly by spyoungtech in https://github.com/spyoungtech/ahk/pull/150
This release has some potential breaking changes, as the API for win_get and (async) find_window have changed slightly.
New Contributors * pre-commit-ci made their first contribution in https://github.com/spyoungtech/ahk/pull/130
Major new feature is Daemon Mode 111 which is now available as a preview/experimental feature.
Several fixes for Async API and other bug fixes are also included in this release
Adds base asyncio support.
While the existing user-facing APIs remains mostly untouched, there are some significant and potentially breaking changes in this version:
* Default parameter of blocking for a couple functions is changed from False to True * Internal API has shifted around quite a bit. Template generation and script running have been split in all (or most) methods * Typos in classes and modules were corrected (registry.py and RegistryMixin)
Adds support for adding directives to all scripts
Adds fixes for key state
Adds set_capslock_state
Other improvements
* Adds tooltip/traytip GUI functionality (Thanks yedhrab for this contribution)
* Renames registry methods (`read`/`write`/`delete`/`set_view`, etc now raise a deprecation warning, suggesting to use new names: `reg_read`/`reg_write`/`reg_delete` etc)
* Fixes a bug (96) where using an equal sign breaks type/sendraw