Bugs fixed, short list:
* BUGFIX: allow printing of PSS results.
* BUGFIX: inductor coupling and time function parsing.
* BUGFIX: fix checking of symbolic results.
* BUGFIX: InductorCoupling: init syntax and `add print_netlist_elem_line()`.
* BUGFIX: fix regression in TF calculation (wrong sympy assumptions).
* BUGFIX: function parsing
* BUGFIX: fix 'autonomous' dest value.
* BUGFIX: `modify_x0_for_ic()` should NOT modify op results.
* BUGFIX: op table size
* BUGFIX: MOSQ init param order
* BUGFIX: Symbolic analysis bugfix.
* BUGFIX: Fix DC sweeps.
* BUGFIX: Fix dict access of OP results. OP info now goes to info file.
* BUGFIX: Deep copy `an_list` so that we can pop out items as we please transparently to the user.
* BUGFIX: take the file.op into account. Also abs paths.
* BUGFIX: load_csv crash, add late check for headers consistency.
* BUGFIX: Fix the sine function. Notice the meaning of theta changed with this commit.
* BUGFIX: Correct assumptions in subs.
* BUGFIX: fix `element.part_id` in subckts
* BUGFIX: testing, do not compare time exec results from different machines.
Changes from contributors and pull requests merged:
* Incorporate most changes from weilawei.
* Merge pull request 18 from endolith/patch-1
* Merge branch 'patch-1' of https://github.com/mightyiam/ahkab
Features added:
* Use `__version__.py` for versioning
* Diode: Enable caching. Simplify interfaces.
* Allow running lists of analyses, or 1 analysis alone too.
* Add gnd as `mycirc.gnd`.
* Add command line entry point to `setup.py`.
* Testing: Add APITest to automate testing of the `ahkab` Python interface.
* Testing: Test suite running on Travis, with coverage.
* Testing: Selective test skipping on Travis-CI
* Massive refactoring of the code base: enforce PEP8 everywhere.
* Symbolic: transfer functions are results instances too.
* Plotting: remove useless functions, keep some as internal-only.
* `get_headers_index(..., load_headers=[])` returns all header indices.
* Testing: No reference runs with nose.
* Ticker: simplify the ticker API.
* Speed up the matrix assembly precomputing conductances
* Allow printing out to stdout also `if filename == '-' or sys.stdout`
* Matplotlib auto backend selection for machines without `$DISPLAY`
* Rewrite csvlib to use numpy's R&W methods
* Elements now print out their own netlist entries.
* Move `convergence_check()` to utilities.
* Use relative imports and move to single versioning of files.
* Remove def. values from time functions
Thanks to weilawei**, endolith, mightyiam for their contributions.
** Big thanks man, excellent job.
Changes in previous versions, in brief:
* Added support for voltage-controlled switches
* Improved diode model with temperature support (but no capacitances).
* Dropped psycho support.
* Re-added the quadratic law MOS transistor model.
* Updated wiki pages and examples.
* Many small fixes.
* Ahkab can now be run in a Python program.
* Dropped gnuplot support, ahkab now requires matplotlib.