
Latest version: v2.5.2

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This feature release comes with a number of new features as well as quite a few fixes of bugs and stability issues.
Further down you will find a complete list of changes, after a short description of some of the most important changes:

- [Automatic input serialization in calculation and work functions](automatic-input-serialization-in-calculation-and-work-functions)
- [Improved interface for creating codes](improved-interface-for-creating-codes)
- [Support for running code in containers](support-for-running-code-in-containers)
- [Control daemon and processes from the API](control-daemon-and-processes-from-the-api)
- [REST API can serve multiple profiles](rest-api-can-serve-multiple-profiles)
- [Pluginable data storage backends](pluginable-data-storage-backends)
- [Full list of changes](full-list-of-changes)

Automatic input serialization in calculation and work functions

The inputs to `calcfunction`s and `workfunction`s are now automatically converted to AiiDA data types if they are one of the basic Python types (`bool`, `dict`, `Enum`, `float`, `int`, `list` or `str`).
This means that code that looked like:

from aiida.engine import calcfunction
from aiida.orm import Bool, Float, Int, Str

def function(switch, threshold, count, label):

function(Bool(True), Float(0.25), Int(10), Str('some-label'))

can now be simplified to:

from aiida.engine import calcfunction
from aiida.orm import Bool, Float, Int, Str

def function(switch, threshold, count, label):

function(True, 0.25, 10, 'some-label')

Improved interface for creating codes

The `Code` data plugin was a single class that served two different types of codes: "remote" codes and "local" codes.
These names "remote" and "local" have historically caused a lot of confusion.
Likewise, using a single class `Code` for both implementations also has led to confusing interfaces.

To address this issue, the functionality has been split into two new classes [`InstalledCode`]( and [`PortableCode`](, that replace the "remote" and "local" code, respectively.
The installed code represents an executable binary that is already pre-installed on some compute resource.
The portable code represents a code (executable plus any additional required files) that are stored in AiiDA's storage and can be automatically transfered to any computer before being executed.

Creating a new instance of these new code types is easy:
from pathlib import Path
from aiida.orm import InstalledCode, PortableCode

installed_code = InstalledCode(

portable_code = PortableCode(

Codes can also be created through the new `verdi` command `verdi code create`.
To specify the type of code to create, pass the corresponding entry point name as an argument.
For example, to create a new installed code, invoke:
verdi code create core.code.installed
The options for each subcommand are automatically generated based on the code type, and so only options that are relevant to that code type will be prompted for.

The new code classes both subclass the `` base class.
This means that both `InstalledCode`s and `PortableCode`s can be used as the `code` input for `CalcJob`s without problems.

The old `Code` class remains supported for the time being as well, however, it is deprecated and will be remove at some point.
The same goes for the `verdi code setup` command; please use `verdi code create` instead.
Existing codes will be automatically migrated to either an `InstalledCode` or a `PortableCode`.
It is strongly advised that you update any code that creates new codes to use these new plugin types.

Support for running code in containers

Support is added to run calculation jobs inside a container.
A containerized code can be setup through the CLI:
verdi code create core.code.containerized \
--label containerized \
--image-name docker://alpine:3 \
--filepath-executable /bin/sh \
--engine-command "singularity exec --bind $PWD:$PWD {image_name}"

as well as through the API:
from aiida.orm import ContainerizedCode, load_computer
code = ContainerizedCode(
engine_command='singularity exec --bind $PWD:$PWD {image_name}'

In the example above we use the [Singularity]( containerization technology.
For more information on what containerization programs are supported and how to configure them, please refer to the [documentation](

Control daemon and processes from the API

Up till now, the daemon and live processes could only easily be controlled through `verdi daemon` and `verdi process`, respectively.
In this release, modules are added to provide the same functionality through the Python API.

Daemon API

The daemon can now be started and stopped through the `DaemonClient` which can be obtained through the `get_daemon_client` utility function:
from aiida.engine.daemon.client import get_daemon_client
client = get_daemon_client()

By default, this will give the daemon client for the current default profile.
It is also possible to explicitly specify a profile:
client = get_daemon_client(profile='some-profile')

The daemon can be started and stopped through the client:
assert client.is_daemon_running

Process API

The functionality of `verdi process` to `play`, `pause` and `kill` is now made available through the `aiida.engine.process.control` module.
Processes can be played, paused or killed through the `play_processes`, `pause_processes`, and `kill_processes`, respectively.
The processes to act upon are defined through their `ProcessNode` which can be loaded using `load_node`.
from aiida.engine.process import control

processes = [load_node(<PK1>), load_node(<PK2>)]

pause_processes(processes) Pause the processes
play_processes(processes) Play them again
kill_processes(processes) Kill the processes

Instead of specifying an explicit list of processes, the functions also take the `all_entries` keyword argument:
pause_processes(all_entries=True) Pause all running processes

REST API can serve multiple profiles

Before, a single REST API could only serve data of a single profile at a time.
This limitation has been removed and a single REST API instance can now serve data from all profiles of an AiiDA instance.
To maintain backwards compatibility, the new functionality needs to be explicitly enabled through the configuration:
verdi config set rest_api.profile_switching True

After the REST API is restarted, it will now accept the `profile` query parameter, for example:
If the specified is already loaded, the REST API functions exactly as without profile switching enabled.
If another profile is specified, the REST API will first switch profiles before executing the request.

If the profile parameter is specified in a request and the REST API does not have profile switching enabled, a 400 response is returned.

Pluginable data storage backends

Warning: this is beta functionality.
It is now possible to implement custom storage backends to control where all data of an AiiDA profile is stored.
To provide a data storage plugin, one should implement the `aiida.orm.implementation.storage_backend.StorageBackend` interface.
The default implementation provided by `aiida-core` is the `` which uses a PostgreSQL database for the provenance graph and a [`disk-objectstore`]( container for repository files.

Storage backend plugins should be registered in the new entry point group ``.
The default storage backend `PsqlDosBackend` has the `core.psql_dos` entry point name.

The storage backend to be used for a profile can be specified using the `--db-backend` option in `verdi setup` and `verdi quicksetup`.
The entry point of the selected backend is stored in the `storage.backend` key of a profile configuration:
"profiles": {
"profile-name": {
"storage": {
"backend": "core.psql_dos",
"config": {}
"process_control": {},
"default_user_email": "aiidalocalhost",
"test_profile": false


At the moment, it is not quite clear if the abstract interface `StorageBackend` properly abstracts everything that is needed to implement any storage backend.
For the time being then, it is advised to subclass the `PsqlDosBackend` and replace parts required for the use-case, such as just replacing the file repository implementation.

Full list of changes

- `Process`: Add hook to customize the `process_label` attribute [[5713]](
- Add the `ContainerizedCode` data plugin [[5667]](
- API: Add the `aiida.engine.processes.control` module [[5630]](
- `PluginVersionProvider`: Add support for entry point strings [[5662]](
- `verdi setup`: Add the `--profile-uuid` option [[5673]](
- Process control: Add the `revive_processes` method [[5677]](
- Process functions: Add the `get_source_code_function` method [[4554]](
- CLI: Improve the quality of `verdi code list` output [[5750]](
- CLI: Add the `verdi devel revive` command [[5677]](
- CLI: `verdi process status --max-depth` [[5727]](
- CLI: `verdi setup/quicksetup` store autofill user info early [[5729]](
- CLI: Add the `devel launch-add` command [[5733]](
- CLI: Make filename in `verdi node repo cat` optional for `SinglefileData` [[5747]](
- CLI: Add the `verdi devel rabbitmq` command group [[5718]](
- API: Add function to start the daemon [[5625]](
- `BaseRestartWorkChain`: add the `get_outputs` hook [[5618]](
- `CalcJob`: extend `retrieve_list` syntax with `depth=None` [[5651]](
- `CalcJob`: allow wildcards in `stash.source_list` paths [[5601]](
- Add global config option `rest_api.profile_switching` [[5054]](
- REST API: make the profile configurable as request parameter [[5054]](
- `ProcessFunction`: Automatically serialize Python base type inputs [[5688]](
- `BaseRestartWorkChain`: allow to override priority in `handler_overrides` [[5546]](
- ORM: add `entry_point` classproperty to `Node` and `Group` [[5437]](
- Add the `` entry point group [[5501]](
- Add the config option `storage.sandbox` [[5501]](
- Add the `InstalledCode` and `PortableCode` data plugins [[5510]](
- CLI: Add the `verdi code create` command group [[5510]](
- CLI: Add the `DynamicEntryPointCommandGroup` command group [[5510]](
- Add a client to connect to RabbitMQ Manamegement HTTP API [[5718]](
- `LsfScheduler`: add support for `num_machines` [[5153]](
- `JobResource`: add the `accepts_default_memory_per_machine` [[5642]](
- `AbstractCode`: add abstraction methods for command line parameters [[5664]](
- `ArithmeticAddCalculation`: Add the `metadata.options.sleep` input [[5663]](
- `DaemonClient`: add the `get_env` method [[5631]](
- Tests: Make daemon fixtures available to plugin packages [[5701]](
- `verdi plugin list`: Show which exit codes invalidate cache [[5710]](
- `verdi plugin list`: Show full help for input and output ports [[5711]](

- `ArrayData`: replace `nan` and `inf` with `None` when dumping to JSON [[5613]](
- Archive: add missing migration of transport entry points [[5604]](
- `BaseRestartWorkChain`: fix `handler_overrides` ignoring `enabled=False` [[5598]](
- CLI: allow setting options for config without profiles [[5544]](
- CLI: normalize use of colors [[5547]](
- `Config`: fix bug in downgrade past version 6 [[5528]](
- `DaemonClient`: close `CircusClient` after call [[5631]](
- Engine: Do not call serializer for `None` values [[5694]](
- Engine: Do not let `DuplicateSubcriberError` except a `Process` [[5715]](
- ORM: raise when trying to pickle instance of `Entity` [[5549]](
- ORM: Return `None` in `get_function_source_code` instead of excepting [[5730]](
- Fix `get_entry_point` not raising even for duplicate entry points [[5531]](
- Fix: reference to command in message for `verdi storage maintain` [[5558]](
- Fix: `is_valid_cache` setter for `ProcessNode`s [[5583]](
- Fix exception when importing an archive into a profile with many nodes [[5740]](
- `Profile`: make definition of daemon filepaths dynamic [[5631]](
- Fixtures: Fix bug in reset of `empty_config` fixture [[5717]](
- `PsqlDosBackend`: ensure sqla sessions are garbage-collected on `close` [[5728]](
- `TrajectoryData`: Fix bug in `get_step_data` [[5734]](
- `ProfileManager`: restart daemon in `clear_profile` [[5751]](

- Mark relevant `Process` exit codes as `invalidates_cache=True`[[5709]](
- `TemplatereplacerCalculation`: Change exit codes to be in 300 range [[5709]](
- Add the prefix `core.` to all storage entry points [[5501]](
- `CalcJob`: Fully abstract interaction with `AbstractCode` in presubmit [[5666]](
- CLI: make label the default group list order in `verdi group list` [[5523]](
- Config: add migration to properly prefix storage backend [[5501]](
- Move query utils from `aiida.cmdline` to `` [[5630]](
- `SandboxFolder`: decouple the location from the profile [[5496]](
- `TemplatereplacerDoublerParser`: rename and generalize implementation [[5669]](
- `Process`: Allow `None` for input ports that are not required [[5722]](

- RabbitMQ: Remove support for v3.5 and older [[5718]](
- Relax `wrapt` requirement [[5607]](
- Set upper limit `werkzeug<2.2` [[5606]](
- Update requirement `click~=8.1` [[5504]](

- Deprecate `Profile.repository_path` [[5516]](
- Deprecate: `verdi code setup` and `CodeBuilder` [[5510]](
- Deprecate the method `aiida.get_strict_version` [[5512]](
- Remove use of legacy `Code` [[5510]](

- Add section on basic performance benchmark with automated benchmark script [[5724]](
- Add `-U` flag to PostgreSQL database backup command [[5550]](
- Clarify excepted and killed calculations are not cached [[5525]](
- Correct snippet for workchain context nested keys [[5551]](
- Plugin package setup add PEP 621 example [[5626]](
- Remove note on disk space for caching [[5534]](
- Remove explicit release tag in Docker image name [[5671]](
- Remove example REST API extension with POST requests [[5737]](
- Resubmit a `Process` from a `ProcessNode` [[5579]](

- Add a notification for nightly workflow on fail [[5605]](
- CI: Remove `--use-feature` flag in `pip install` of CI [[5703]](
- Fixtures: Add `started_daemon_client` and `stopped_daemon_client` [[5631]](
- Fixtures: Add the `entry_points` fixture to dynamically add and remove entry points [[5745]](
- Refactor: `Process` extract `CalcJob` specific input handling from `Process` [[5539]](
- Refactor: remove unnecessary use of `tempfile.mkdtemp` [[5639]](
- Refactor: Remove internal use of various deprecated resources [[5716]](
- Refactor: Turn `aiida.manage.external.rmq` into a package [[5718]](
- Tests: remove legacy `tests/utils/` [[5500]](
- Tests: fix the RPN work chains for the nightly build [[5529]](
- Tests: Manually stop daemon after `verdi devel revive` test [[5689]](
- Tests: Add verbose info if `submit_and_wait` times out [[5689]](
- Tests: Do not set default memory for `localhost` fixture [[5689]](
- Tests: Suppress RabbitMQ and developer version warnings [[5689]](
- Tests: Add the `EntryPointManager` exposed as `entry_points` fixture [[5656]](
- Tests: Only reset database connection at end of suite [[5641]](
- Tests: Suppress logging and warnings from temporary profile fixture [[5702]](


[Full changelog](

- Engine: Fix bug that allowed non-storable inputs to be passed to process [[5532]](
- Engine: Fix bug when caching from process with nested outputs [[5538]](
- Archive: Fix bug in archive creation after packing of file repository [[5570]](
- `QueryBuilder`: apply escape `\` in `like` and `ilike` for a `sqlite` backend, such as export archives [[5553]](
- `QueryBuilder`: Fix bug in distinct queries always projecting the first entity, even if not projected explicitly [[5654]](
- `CalcJob`: fix bug in `local_copy_list` provenance exclusion [[5648]](
- `Repository.copy_tree`: omit subdirectories from `path` when copying [[5648]](
- Docs: Add intersphinx aliases for `__all__` imports. Now the shortcut imports can also be used in third-party packages (e.g. `aiida.orm.nodes.node.Node` as well as `aiida.orm.Node`) [[5657]](


[Full changelog](

Update of the Dockerfile base image (`aiidateam/aiida-prerequisites`) to version `0.6.0`.


[Full changelog](

- REST API: treat `false` as `False` in URL parsing [[5573]](
- REST API: add support for byte streams through a custom JSON encoder [[5576]](


[Full changelog](

- Fix incompatibility with `click>=8.1` and require `click==8.1` as a minimum by sphuber in [[5504]](


[Full changelog](

This release finalises the [v2.0.0b1 changes](release/2.0.0b1).

Node namespace restructuring ♻️

The restructuring is fully back-compatible, and existing methods/attributes will continue to work, until aiida-core `v3.0`.

Deprecations warnings are also currently turned **off** by default.
To identify these deprecations in your code base (for example when running unit tests), activate the `AIIDA_WARN_v3` environmental variable:

export AIIDA_WARN_v3=1


The `Node` class (and thus its subclasses) has many methods and attributes in its public namespace.
This has been noted [as being a problem]( for those using auto-completion,
since it makes it difficult to select suitable methods and attributes.

These methods/attributes have now been partitioned into "sub-namespaces" for specific purposes:

: Interface to the attributes of a node instance.

: Interface to control caching of a node instance.

: Interface for comments of a node instance.

: Interface to the extras of a node instance.

: Interface for links of a node instance.

: Interface to the file repository of a node instance.

:::{dropdown} Full list of re-naming

| Current name | New name |
| --------------------------- | ----------------------------------------------- |
| `Collection` | Deprecated, use `NodeCollection` directly |
| `add_comment` | `Node.base.comments.add` |
| `add_incoming` | `Node.base.links.add_incoming` |
| `attributes` | `Node.base.attributes.all` |
| `attributes_items` | `Node.base.attributes.items` |
| `attributes_keys` | `Node.base.attributes.keys` |
| `check_mutability` | `Node._check_mutability_attributes` |
| `clear_attributes` | `Node.base.attributes.clear` |
| `clear_extras` | `Node.base.extras.clear` |
| `clear_hash` | `Node.base.caching.clear_hash` |
| `copy_tree` | `Node.base.repository.copy_tree` |
| `delete_attribute` | `Node.base.attributes.delete` |
| `delete_attribute_many` | `Node.base.attributes.delete_many` |
| `delete_extra` | `Node.base.extras.delete` |
| `delete_extra_many` | `Node.base.extras.delete_many` |
| `delete_object` | `Node.base.repository.delete_object` |
| `erase` | `Node.base.repository.erase` |
| `extras` | `Node.base.extras.all` |
| `extras_items` | `Node.base.extras.items` |
| `extras_keys` | `Node.base.extras.keys` |
| `get` | Deprecated, use `Node.objects.get` |
| `get_all_same_nodes` | `Node.base.caching.get_all_same_nodes` |
| `get_attribute` | `Node.base.attributes.get` |
| `get_attribute_many` | `Node.base.attributes.get_many` |
| `get_cache_source` | `Node.base.caching.get_cache_source` |
| `get_comment` | `Node.base.comments.get` |
| `get_comments` | `Node.base.comments.all` |
| `get_extra` | `Node.base.extras.get` |
| `get_extra_many` | `Node.base.extras.get_many` |
| `get_hash` | `Node.base.caching.get_hash` |
| `get_incoming` | `Node.base.links.get_incoming` |
| `get_object` | `Node.base.repository.get_object` |
| `get_object_content` | `Node.base.repository.get_object_content` |
| `get_outgoing` | `Node.base.links.get_outgoing` |
| `get_stored_link_triples` | `Node.base.links.get_stored_link_triples` |
| `glob` | `Node.base.repository.glob` |
| `has_cached_links` | `Node.base.caching.has_cached_links` |
| `id` | Deprecated, use `pk` |
| `is_created_from_cache` | `Node.base.caching.is_created_from_cache` |
| `is_valid_cache` | `Node.base.caching.is_valid_cache` |
| `list_object_names` | `Node.base.repository.list_object_names` |
| `list_objects` | `Node.base.repository.list_objects` |
| `objects` | `collection` |
| `open` | `` |
| `put_object_from_file` | `Node.base.repository.put_object_from_file` |
| `put_object_from_filelike` | `Node.base.repository.put_object_from_filelike` |
| `put_object_from_tree` | `Node.base.repository.put_object_from_tree` |
| `rehash` | `Node.base.caching.rehash` |
| `remove_comment` | `Node.base.comments.remove` |
| `repository_metadata` | `Node.base.repository.metadata` |
| `repository_serialize` | `Node.base.repository.serialize` |
| `reset_attributes` | `Node.base.attributes.reset` |
| `reset_extras` | `Node.base.extras.reset` |
| `set_attribute` | `Node.base.attributes.set` |
| `set_attribute_many` | `Node.base.attributes.set_many` |
| `set_extra` | `Node.base.extras.set` |
| `set_extra_many` | `Node.base.extras.set_many` |
| `update_comment` | `Node.base.comments.update` |
| `validate_incoming` | `Node.base.links.validate_incoming` |
| `validate_outgoing` | `Node.base.links.validate_outgoing` |
| `validate_storability` | `Node._validate_storability` |
| `verify_are_parents_stored` | `Node._verify_are_parents_stored` |
| `walk` | `Node.base.repository.walk` |


IPython integration improvements 👌

The `aiida` [IPython magic commands]( are now available to load via:

%load_ext aiida

As well as the previous `%aiida` magic command, to load a profile,
one can also use the `%verdi` magic command.
This command runs the `verdi` CLI using the currently loaded profile of the IPython/Jupyter session.

%verdi status

See the [Basic Tutorial](docs/source/tutorials/ for example usage.

New `SqliteTempBackend` ✨

The `SqliteTempBackend` utilises an in-memory SQLite database to store data, allowing it to be transiently created/destroyed within a single Python session, without the need for Postgresql.

As such, it is useful for demonstrations and testing purposes, whereby no persistent storage is required.

To load a temporary profile, you can use the following code:

from aiida import load_profile
from import SqliteTempBackend

profile = load_profile(
'runner.poll.interval': 1

See the [Basic Tutorial](docs/source/tutorials/ for example usage.

Key Pull Requests

Below is a list of some key pull requests that have been merged into version 2.0.0:

- Node namespace re-structuring:
- 🔧 MAINTAIN: Add `warn_deprecation` function, `Node.base`, and move `NodeRepositoryMixin -> NodeRepository` by chrisjsewell in [5472](
- ♻️ REFACTOR: `EntityAttributesMixin` -> `NodeAttributes` by chrisjsewell in [5442](
- ♻️ REFACTOR: Move methods to `Node.comments` by chrisjsewell in [5446](
- ♻️ REFACTOR: `EntityExtrasMixin` -> `EntityExtras` by chrisjsewell in [5445](
- ♻️ REFACTOR: Move link related methods to `Node.base.links` by sphuber in [5480](
- ♻️ REFACTOR: Move caching related methods to `Node.base.caching` by sphuber in [5483](

- Storage:
- ✨ NEW: Add SqliteTempBackend by chrisjsewell in [5448](
- 👌 IMPROVE: Move default user caching to `StorageBackend` by chrisjsewell in [5460](
- 👌 IMPROVE: Add JSON filtering for SQLite backends by chrisjsewell in [5448](

- ORM:
- 👌 IMPROVE: `StructureData`: allow to be initialised without a specified cell by ltalirz in [5341](

- Processing:
- 👌 IMPROVE: Allow `` to work without RabbitMQ by chrisjsewell in [5448](
- 👌 IMPROVE: `JobTemplate`: change `CodeInfo` to `JobTemplateCodeInfo` in `codes_info` by unkcpz in [5350](
- This is required for a containerized code implementation
- 👌 IMPROVE: Add option to use double quotes for `Code` and `Computer` CLI arguments by unkcpz in [5478](

- Transport and Scheduler:
- 👌 IMPROVE: `SlurmScheduler`: Parse out-of-walltime and out-of-memory errors from `stderr` by sphuber in [5458](
- 👌 IMPROVE: `CalcJob`: always call `Scheduler.parse_output` by sphuber in [5458](
- 👌 IMPROVE: `Computer`: fallback on transport for `get_minimum_job_poll_interval` default by sphuber in [5457](

- IPython:
- ✨ NEW: Add `%verdi` IPython magic by chrisjsewell in [5448](

- Dependencies:
- ♻️ REFACTOR: drop the `python-dateutil` library by sphuber

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