
Latest version: v4.9.0

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This minor release mainly includes documentation changes, but also a small breaking change in [[a389629](].
Work chains that wrap the `PwBaseWorkChain` for an `nscf` or `bands` calculation and add the `parent_folder` during runtime would have to adapt the `validator` for the `pw` name space as follows to avoid warnings:

spec.inputs['nscf']['pw'].validator = PwCalculation.validate_inputs_base

Now, the validator that checks for the presence of the `parent_folder` in the inputs is adapted so it checks if the `parent_folder` port is in the name space.
If not, the validation is skipped.
So work chains that wrap the `PwBaseWorkChain` to run an `nscf` or `bands` calculation can simply exclude the `parent_folder` port in the `pw` name space:

exclude=('clean_workdir', 'pw.structure', 'pw.parent_folder'),
'help': 'Inputs for the `PwBaseWorkChain` of the `nscf` calculation.',
'validator': validate_nscf

A new calculation function `create_magnetic_configuration` is added, which can be used to create a new `StructureData` with the required kinds for a specific magnetic configuration.
For example, for an HCP structure with two Co sites:

In [1]: from aiida import orm

In [2]: from import bulk
...: structure = orm.StructureData(ase=bulk('Co', 'hcp', 2.5, 4.06))

The `create_magnetic_configuration` can be used to quickly create a new `StructureData` with two different kinds:

In [3]: from aiida_quantumespresso.calculations.functions.create_magnetic_configuration import create_magnetic_configuration
...: results = create_magnetic_configuration(structure, [-2, 2])

In [4]: results['structure'].sites
[<Site: kind name 'Co0' -2.7755575615629e-17,1.4433756729741,2.03>,
<Site: kind name 'Co1' 0.0,0.0,0.0>]

In [5]: results['magnetic_moments'].get_dict()
Out[5]: {'Co0': 2, 'Co1': -2}

For more information, see the tutorial on how to work with magnetic systems:

The release also makes an important change in the dependencies related to a bug introduced in `pydantic`, see:

Hence the version of `pydantic` is adapted to `1.10.8`, where this bug is fixed.

‼️ Breaking changes

* `PwCalculation`: refactor `parent_folder` validation [[a389629](]

✨ New features

* Add the `create_magnetic_configuration` function [[d9b18a7](]

👌 Improvements

* `PpParser`: Include exception in `ERROR_OUTPUT_DATAFILE_PARSE` message [[72f114e](]

🐛 Bug Fixes

* `PwParser`: Fix case when `settings` are not provided [[5d4a7d9](]

📚 Documentation

* Small improvements to "Installation" page [[90ad1d6](]
* Switch to `sphinx-book-theme` from `pydata_sphinx_theme` [[3578a9d](]
* Switch to using MyST Markdown [[37d2a14](]
* Add how-to for `PwCalculationTools.get_scf_accuracy` [[29b4db9](]
* Bump Python version for RTD build [[483d99b](]
* Fix breaking changes `` [[7f4c4a1](]

🔧 Maintenance

* Catch warning in `restart_mode` test for `PwBaseWorkChain` [[45e1907](]
* Update `tox` configuration [[0702152](]
* Add script to update `` [[b21076c](]
* Remove Python 3.8 from the nightly workflow matrix [[0859d0a](]

⬆️ Update dependencies

* Restrict `pydantic` to at least `1.10.8` [[f430139](]

♻️ Refactor

* `BasePwCpInputGenerator`: Remove superfluous validation [[0b6476c](]
* Move basic parsing into `BaseParser` class [[1c223c7](]


Release version `4.3.0` comes with a lot of new features, improvements and bug fixes.
Although this is technically a minor release, this new version does come with some _minor_ breaking changes:

* The default value of `clean_workdir` was changed from `True` to `False`.
* The `automatic_parallelization` feature of the `PwBaseWorkChain` was removed, as this was badly broken with no clear path to fixing it. Moreover, [v7.1 of Quantum ESPRESSO]( has implemented some basic automated parallelization for `pw.x` when no parallelization flags are specified.
* Work chains no longer set/override static inputs inside the steps of their outline. All defaults are moved to the protocol files instead, and it is recommended to always use the `get_builder_from_protocol()` method to run a work chain. For more details, [see the corresponding PR](

Support for Quantum ESPRESSO v7.2 `pw.x` parsing was added, as well as the `HubbardStructureData` data plugin and corresponding implementation in the `PwCalculation` plugin to support the [new input syntax for using Hubbard corrections]( in the `pw.x` code.

For `ph.x`, the symmetry labels printed in the `stdout` after the mode frequencies are now parsed for each q-point.
In the case of restarts in the `PhBaseWorkChain`, care has been taken to properly parse these symmetry labels from the separate output files and merge them, so the `output_parameters` are the same with or without restarts.

The `XpsWorkChain` has been added to compute the XPS spectra using core-hole pseudo potentials and the `pw.x` code. The work chain can handle both molecules and crystals. The chemical shifts, as well as the cole-level binding energy can be obtained.

Finally, improved error handling for the `PwBaseWorkChain` was implemented for several typical failure modes of the `pw.x` code, and the `CRASH` file is now also retrieved, as this will be the default location of error messages from Quantum ESPRESSO v7.2 onwards.

‼️ Breaking changes

* Protocols: Set `clean_workdir` default to `False` [[f8e512f](]
* `PwBaseWorkChain`: Remove `automatic_parallelization` input [[5cae75f](]
* Protocols: Move all static work chain inputs to protocol [[01f1470](]

✨ New features

* `PwBaseWorkChain`: Add `ERROR_IONIC_INTERRUPTED_PARTIAL_TRAJECTORY` handler [[9291f84](]
* `PwCalculation`: Add exit code and handler for `scale_h` error [[d350d7e](]
* `PwParser`: Add retrieval and parsing of `CRASH` file [[7f53c96](]
* Add the `HubbardStructureData` data plugin [[355020c](]
* `PwParser`: Add support for QE v7.2 [[57f5f8f](]
* `PhParser`: parse symmetry labels from the `stdout` of `ph.x` [[8a9950a](]
* Add Feature: `XpsWorkChain` [[a9d124e](]
* Add Feature: `XspectraCrystalWorkChain` [[01e7593](]
* Add `OpenGridCalculation` [[361ff04](]
* Feature/get xspectra structures [[bc63d56](]

👌 Improvements

* ``PwBaseWorkChain``: improve diagonalization handler [[cc29488](]
* `PwCalculation`: Add `ERROR_IONIC_INTERRUPTED_PARTIAL_TRAJECTORY` code [[92a6c6f](]
* `PwParser`: Keep scheduler parser error unless more specific available [[b8d6a3a](]
* Protocols: consider `pbc` of `StructureData` [[ef21642](]
* CLI: Simplify `cli.utils.validate_hubbard_parameters` and add tests [[74d25d1](]
* `PwCalculation`: Add exit codes, mostly related to diagonalization [[159b83e](]
* `PwParser`: Include path in exception when XML schema not found [[56fdb57](]

🐛 Bug Fixes

* `PwCalculation`: Fix restart validation for `nscf`/`bands` [[29a0dfa](]
* `PwParser`: Correct the `disk_io` type for all XML schemas [[89d39a4](]
* `PwParser`: Fix trajectory verification for `fixed_coords` [[105670f](]
* `XspectraCoreWorkChain`: Ensure `overrides` respected in `get_builder_from_protocol()` [[7b2d701](]
* `PhCalculation`: Fix exception when `parent_folder` is on different computer [[24b3779](]

📚 Documentation

* Fix the intersphinx URL of the AiiDA documentation [[08532d8](]
* ``: Fix Build Status badge to point to `ci` action [[1e9c345](]
* Add developer section to README [[146bc57](]

🔧 Maintenance

* DevOps: Symlink `CRASH` and `data-file.xml` files, and reduce fixture file contents [[0a48533](]

⬆️ Update dependencies
* Symlink `CRASH` and `data-file.xml` files, and reduce fixture file contents [[0a48533](]
* Devops: Update `pylint` version [[9f4142d](]

♻️ Refactor
* Update `pylint` version [[9f4142d](]


- Add the `XspectraBaseWorkChain` [[854]](
- Add the `XspectraCoreWorkChain` [[872]](

- Protocols: Use v1.2 of SSSP and PBEsol by default for pw.x protocols [[884]](

- `PwBandsWorkChain`: Fix `nbnd` for spin-polarised calculations [[875]](

- Update requirement `aiida-pseudo~=1.0` [[882]](
- Update pre-commit requirement `isort==5.12.0` [[883]](

- Fix nightly build tests [[870]](

- Add various `settings` parameters for `PwCalculation` [[869]](



- Add the `options` argument to all `get_builder_from_protocol` [[846]](
- `XspectraParser`: Parse parameters from `CalcJob` inputs [[853]](


- `XspectraCalculation`/`XspectraParser`: various improvements and fixes [[837]](
- CLI: update to be compatible with `aiida-core==2.1` [[855]](
- Fix bug in `wrap_bare_dict_inputs` [[860]](
- `PwBaseWorkChain`: Fix kpoints override in `get_builder_from_protocol` [[862]](
- `BasePwCpInputGenerator`: do not require pseudos in `validate_inputs` [[866]](
- `PwBaseWorkChain`: Set `restart_mode` in `parameters` if `parent_folder` [[867]](


- Remove obsolete and broken TCOD related code [[850]](


- DevOps: Add a job with integration tests to the CI workflow


- Dependencies: Add support for Python 3.11 [[857]](


- `PwCalculation/PhCalculation`: Add validation for `pseudos` port [[839]](
- `Q2rParser`: Set `filename` for `force_constants` [[827]](
- Docs: Update the `Get Started` example for `PhCalculation` [[829]](
- DevOps: Add `AIIDA_WARN_V3` environment variable to CI and address all deprecation warnings [[836]](

- Add lower requirement `aiida-core>=2.0.4`, fixes error in `NamelistCalculation` restarting from `FolderData` [[841]](


This major release mainly provides support for `aiida-core` v2.0, as well as the `xspectra.x` code of Quantum ESPRESSO.
Version 7.1 of Quantum ESPRESSO is also now supported.
Note that in line with our new [compatibility policy](, from this major version onwards we will no longer be supporting Quantum ESPRESSO versions below v6.6.


- `PhBaseWorkChain`: Add a first draft for the protocols [[810]](
- Add the `XspectraCalculation` and `XspectraParser` plugins [[815]](


- `PwCalculation`: allow regex patterns in detect_important_message [[771]](
- Parsers: add exception title to `ERROR_UNEXPECTED_PARSER_EXCEPTION` [[793]](
- `CalcJob`: simplify `parent_folder` handling [[805]](
- `MatDynCalculation`: use validator to check `flfrc` input [[814]](
- `CpParser`: add stresses and fix for QE v7.0 [[786]](
- `PwParser`: Add support for QE v7.1 [[822]](

Bug Fixes

- `PhCalculation`: Fix bug when `only_initialization=True` [[813]](


- Devops: fix the nightly build [[784]](
- DevOps: Move the source directory into `src/` [[812]](
- DevOps: update nightly to show as failed on error [[817]](
- DevOps: only run Slack notification if tests failed [[819]](
- DevOps: address deprecation warnings [[820]](


- Dependencies: put upper limit markupsafe<2.1 [[790]](
- Dependencies: Update Python requirements [[803]](
- Dependencies: Update requirement for `aiida-core~=2.0` [[804]](
- Refactor: Additional compatibility for `aiida-core` v2.0 [[806]](
- Remove the use of deprecated distutils package [[808]](

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