What's Changed
* Resolve new flake8-bugbear error B028 by yakutovicha in https://github.com/aiidalab/aiidalab-widgets-base/pull/442
* Support the inputs namespace for process inputs check widget by unkcpz in https://github.com/aiidalab/aiidalab-widgets-base/pull/435
* Measure the test coverage by yakutovicha in https://github.com/aiidalab/aiidalab-widgets-base/pull/441
* fix bug report to use the new return type of find_installed_packages by unkcpz in https://github.com/aiidalab/aiidalab-widgets-base/pull/446
* Add tests for `computational_resources` module by yakutovicha in https://github.com/aiidalab/aiidalab-widgets-base/pull/448
* Add tests to the `structure` module, small modifications to the module itself. by yakutovicha in https://github.com/aiidalab/aiidalab-widgets-base/pull/453
* Add tests to the `viewers` module and slightly improve its styling by yakutovicha in https://github.com/aiidalab/aiidalab-widgets-base/pull/450
* Test and update the `process` module by yakutovicha in https://github.com/aiidalab/aiidalab-widgets-base/pull/455
* Test and update the `databases` module by yakutovicha in https://github.com/aiidalab/aiidalab-widgets-base/pull/458
**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/aiidalab/aiidalab-widgets-base/compare/v2.0.0b2...v2.0.0b3