- Add ability to apply group stacking on media elements list (KaroMourad)
- Add ability to apply sorting by run creation_time on table rows (roubkar)
- Add ability to filter texts table with keyword matching (roubkar, rubenaprikyan)
- Add ability to delete run from settings tab (Hamik25)
- Enhance controls states of explorer pages (arsengit)
- Add --repo, --host arguments support for notebook extension (VkoHov, rubenaprikyan)
- Add trendline options to ScatterPlot (roubkar)
- Add ability to display images in original size and align by width (arsengit)
- Add version, docs and slack links to sidebar (arsengit)
- Enhance AudioPlayer component (arsengit)
- Recover active tab in run details page after reload (roubkar)
- Add ability to archive or delete runs with batches (VkoHov)
- Remote tracking server [experimental] (alberttorosyan, mihran113, aramaim)
- Add ability to change media elements order (VkoHov)
- Add ability to hard delete runs (alberttorosyan)
- Lossy format support for aim.Image (devfox-se)
- Timezone issues fix for creation and end times (mihran113)