
Latest version: v3.16.0

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- Added full support of `Bot API 7.7 <>`_

- Added the class :class:`aiogram.types.refunded_payment.RefundedPayment`,
containing information about a refunded payment.
- Added the field :code:`refunded_payment` to the class
describing a service message about a refunded payment.
`1536 <>`_




- Added ChatMember resolution tool and updated 2.x migration guide.
`1525 <>`_
- Added full support of `Bot API 7.6 <>`_

- Added the classes :class:`aiogram.types.paid_media.PaidMedia`,
and :class:`aiogram.types.paid_media_video.PaidMediaVideo`,
containing information about paid media.
- Added the method :class:`aiogram.methods.send_paid_media.SendPaidMedia`
and the classes :class:`aiogram.types.input_paid_media.InputPaidMedia`,
and :class:`aiogram.types.input_paid_media_video.InputPaidMediaVideo`,
to support sending paid media.
- Documented that the methods :class:`aiogram.methods.copy_message.CopyMessage`
and :class:`aiogram.methods.copy_messages.CopyMessages` cannot be used to copy paid media.
- Added the field :code:`can_send_paid_media` to the class
- Added the field :code:`paid_media` to the classes
:class:`aiogram.types.message.Message` and
- Added the class
containing information about Telegram Star transactions involving the Telegram Ads Platform.
- Added the field :code:`invoice_payload` to the class
containing the bot-specified invoice payload.
- Changed the default opening mode for Direct Link Mini Apps.
- Added support for launching Web Apps via link in the class
- Added the field :code:`section_separator_color` to the class :code:`ThemeParams`.
`1533 <>`_


- Fixed event context resolving for the callback query that is coming from the business account
`1520 <>`_




- Added utility to safely deserialize any Telegram object or method to a JSON-compatible object (dict).
(:ref:`>> Read more <serialization-tool>`)
`1450 <>`_
- Added full support of `Bot API 7.5 <>`_

- Added the classes :class:`aiogram.types.star_transactions.StarTransactions`,
and :class:`aiogram.types.revenue_withdrawal_state.RevenueWithdrawalState`,
containing information about Telegram Star transactions involving the bot.
- Added the method :class:`aiogram.methods.get_star_transactions.GetStarTransactions`
that can be used to get the list of all Telegram Star transactions for the bot.
- Added support for callback buttons in
for messages sent on behalf of a business account.
- Added support for callback queries originating from a message sent
on behalf of a business account.
- Added the parameter :code:`business_connection_id` to the methods
and :class:`aiogram.methods.edit_message_reply_markup.EditMessageReplyMarkup`,
allowing the bot to edit business messages.
- Added the parameter :code:`business_connection_id` to the method
allowing the bot to stop polls it sent on behalf of a business account.
`1518 <>`_


- Increased DNS cache ttl setting to aiohttp session as a workaround for DNS resolution issues in aiohttp.
`1500 <>`_

Improved Documentation

- Fixed MongoStorage section in the documentation by adding extra dependency to ReadTheDocs configuration.
`1501 <>`_
- Added information about dependency changes to the :code:`2.x --> 3.x` migration guide.
`1504 <>`_


- [Only for contributors] Fail redis and mongo tests if incorrect URI provided + some storages tests refactoring

If incorrect URIs provided to "--redis" and/or "--mongo" options tests should fail with errors instead of skipping.
Otherwise the next scenario is possible:
1) developer breaks RedisStorage and/or MongoStorage code
2) tests are run with incorrect redis and/or mongo URIsprovided by "--redis" and "--mongo" options (for example, wrong port specified)
3) tests pass because skipping doesn't fail tests run
4) developer or reviewer doesn't notice that redis and/or mongo tests were skipped
5) broken code gets in codebase

Also some refactorings done (related with storages and storages tests).
`1510 <>`_




- Added new storage :code:`` for Finite State Machine based on Mongo DB (using :code:`motor` library)
`1434 <>`_
- Added full support of `Bot API 7.4 <>`_
`1498 <>`_


- Fixed wrong :code:`MarkdownV2` custom emoji parsing in :code:`aiogram.utils.text_decorations`
`1496 <>`_

Deprecations and Removals

- Removed deprecated arguments from Bot class
:code:`parse_mode`, :code:`disable_web_page_preview`, :code:`protect_content` as previously announced in v3.4.0.
`1494 <>`_


- Improved code consistency and readability in code examples by refactoring imports, adjusting the base webhook URL, modifying bot instance initialization to utilize DefaultBotProperties, and updating router message handlers.
`1482 <>`_




- Added full support of `Bot API 7.3 <>`_
`1480 <>`_

Improved Documentation

- Added telegram objects transformation block in 2.x -> 3.x migration guide
`1412 <>`_




- Added **message_thread_id** parameter to **ChatActionSender** class methods.
`1437 <>`_
- Added context manager interface to Bot instance, from now you can use:

.. code-block:: python

async with Bot(...) as bot:

instead of

.. code-block:: python

async with Bot(...).context() as bot:
`1468 <>`_


- - **WebAppUser Class Fields**: Added missing `is_premium`, `added_to_attachment_menu`, and `allows_write_to_pm` fields to `WebAppUser` class to align with the Telegram API.

- **WebAppChat Class Implementation**: Introduced the `WebAppChat` class with all its fields (`id`, `type`, `title`, `username`, and `photo_url`) as specified in the Telegram API, which was previously missing from the library.

- **WebAppInitData Class Fields**: Included previously omitted fields in the `WebAppInitData` class: `chat`, `chat_type`, `chat_instance`, to match the official documentation for a complete Telegram Web Apps support.
`1424 <>`_
- Fixed poll answer FSM context by handling :code:`voter_chat` for :code:`poll_answer` event
`1436 <>`_
- Added missing error handling to :code:`_background_feed_update` (when in :code:`handle_in_background=True` webhook mode)
`1458 <>`_

Improved Documentation

- Added WebAppChat class to WebApp docs, updated uk_UA localisation of WebApp docs.
`1433 <>`_


- Added full support of `Bot API 7.2 <>`_
`1444 <>`_
- Loosened pydantic version upper restriction from ``<2.7`` to ``<2.8``
`1460 <>`_

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